Settling in

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It has now been five weeks since I decided to call this cave home, and things have improved vastly.

I have now mapped out this sanctuary, harvested bamboo, fruits, nuts, herbs and managed to catch a few fish. As my fishing skills need to improve, the few fish I have caught were eaten straight away. As I aim to improve, I hope to smoke the fish to preserve them in future.

The foraged bounty now includes three more types of fruit. A larger version of a blueberry, water apples and a strange gnarly green version of a fig. Learning from past mistakes I tested these fruits on my skin and lips, before trying to taste them. One yellow bubbly berry did not make the list, my skin flared up in a raised rash within minutes.

Using the blazing sun to my advantage I have painstakingly sliced and sundried the fruit for future use. Most of the fruit collected I have sun dried and are stored in bamboo pots.

I also collected some more nuts, herbs and vegetables in a similar way. Wild onions, pine nuts, wild potatoes, tomatoes and a grain. My "pantry" is looking stocked.

I have created a bed in the cave, used bamboo to create walls, dug a cooking/fire pit. Chopped and stacked the fallen trees near the cave for future use.

I feel healthier than I have done in a long time. I have lost excess weight and have a level of fitness brought by near constant exercise and a semi-great diet. I feel great.

Presuming there will be seasons, and they follow that of my old world, I estimate that I am coming towards the end of summer. Based on the climates of other temperate forests I want to stock up and store for the upcoming autumn and winter. As well as drying fruits and vegetables I have been collecting seeds ready for planting in the spring.

The few things that will be beneficial to the food supply are meat, dairy and grains. It would also help if I could collect some more building materials. Vines, pelts and anything else I find curious. Hence my next expedition. I plan on crossing the river to the west, near the marsh. I have enough food in my rucksack for four days, a fire hardened wood shovel, my trusty knife and a newly made primitive bow and set of arrows.

Though I have enough food for four days, I am open to stay out longer if I can find a fresh supply of food.

Securing my bamboo door across the cave, I grab my long walking stick, bag and weapons and head towards the river.

The river looks to be waist deep, but spans 20 foot across with a steady current. This is the weakest point in the perimeter of my haven.

Using my walking stick to test the ground before I step, it takes me 10 minutes of slow moving to reach the other side.


It is cold, cold and a little boring. Following two weeks of rain, the snow came thick and fast. Within days there was two feet of snow, a week later the snow covered my cave. I had to dig a hole through the snow for ventilation.

I have spent the last 3 months squirrelled away in my cave. I have made progress making plans for the following year. After successfully hunting and processing 4 deer, 6 rabbits and surprisingly a wolverine. What was a little more startling was the black armband tattoo that appeared shortly thereafter.

Chalking it down to something else to do with this world, I chose to ignore it and preoccupy my mind with other, more useful things. I have crafted several things to make life more comfortable, and I am eager to expand my collection.

I have 2 simple outfits, several carved bone items, weaved a few baskets and mats, made some clay pots, bowls and cups ready for firing. Dozens of beads, meticulously hand carved from wood, bone and antlers.

I have numerous ideas on upgrading my shelter and oasis. I want to improve the two storage structures outside of my cave. I also need to prepare some ground for planting, using irrigation to siphon water from the streams. Create a simple bridge to cross the river to the west or perhaps a small raft so I can navigate the wetland marsh. A wheelbarrow would be beneficial for carrying my hunts back. A kiln for all the clay pieces to be fired, soap to be made. I have so much that I want to make, but need to filter it to the items that are most beneficial right now.

I also plan on obtaining some honey and beeswax. Whilst hunting last year, I noticed a hive. I plan on lathering myself in mud and smoking the hive. I shall bide my time, let them gather their golden bounty first.

I also want to explore the two caves either side of this one. Both only go back for 3 meters, before rocks block any further advancement. Whilst scouring the river beds I have found numerous semi precious stones, and wish to see if either of those caves go deeper, and if so, what lies within.

My current food supply is dwindling. I need to get out soon. I can make things stretch for another two weeks at most. I want to forage and hunt before then, I do not want to be desperate and eat the first thing I see.

Another week will do. The snow is showing signs of melting as I can see more of the blue sky through my "chimney" as it slowly becomes bigger.

Just one more week in this ice box.

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