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Winter has been steadily increasing its grip on the town. 

The snow is gaining in depth by the day. 

As promised, the main routes to the workshop area are kept clear. 

A similar concept has been introduced to the outer houses. Many of the single males having kept the area surrounding the lookout towers clear. Many choosing to stay in congregation, conserving warmth and resources. 

This brought on a discussion about building a barracks, sleeping quarters, training facilities and communal area for those dedicated to the town's protection. 

I did make the mistake of mentioning guard uniforms in front of Raine. A combination of protection and a means of identification. 

Raine has settled in with our family. He has become very close with Arron and adopted the role of our fashion guru. He has his own workshop where he is creating fabric and experimenting with different styles of clothing. 

His favourite victims are a reluctant Rowan, an enthusiastic Arron, me and the boys. 

Despite his reluctance to be his model, Rowan often brings him furs from his hunts. 

I am getting bigger by the week. With it being eggs this time, I am expected to come to term within the next month, just at the height of winter. 

Thorne's nest is complete. A whimsical collection of items. Feathers from the other males, the softest of furs, my wool blanket are amongst the decadent nest materials. He even encouraged the cubs to add their bits. Wanting it to be created by our family. 

At the mid-winter mark, I still have not given birth. Despite being the size of a whale I still feel energetic. Yet again, in the dead of night, I find myself sitting near the fire sipping on a cup of tea. 

A relaxed Marsh reclines next to me for company, the others already retired for the evening. 

An ear-piercing screech is sounded as a guard flew past, alerting all to an issue. 

A group of wilds are attacking. 

Sounds of the household waking follows the screech. Fast heavy footfalls of my men and quick light patters from the cubs. 

The cubs and I are quickly ushered into the safe room. A reluctant Umber along with Felix and Luca stay with us for protection. 

Mateo and Emmet sleep in the rooms behind us, oblivious to what's going on. 

Our voices are soft and quiet as we settle the cubs down. 

Once they start to doze off, I begin to chew at my nails. 

Despite my size, I jump up and start nervously pacing. The longer they are the more worried I become. 

I send a silent prayer to the beast lord to protect my mates and the men defending our town. 

I cry. 

Then I pace some more. 

It feels like time slows down, each minute feeling like an hour. 

My back begins to ache, but I continue to fidget and worry. 

Felix and Luca try to comfort me. It works temporarily, before the cycle continues once again. 

We are finally released as the sun starts to rise. 

"Is everything ok, is anyone hurt?" I blurt out as soon as Arron opens the door. I rush into his arms, quickly checking him for injuries. 

"They were thwarted by our defences and traps." Thorne replies as he too is inspected for injuries. "They were starving. Skinny and weak." 

I almost feel pity for them. But quickly remember my encounter with them near Woodside. 

Lost and FoundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora