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Following the festivities and the tour we conducted several workshops.

Clay, his father and a couple of other beastmen joined us in discussing and exploring some of our more advanced innovations.

Mateo and I had been working on creating flour using my very basic knowledge of flour mill stones. After several attempts we have finally managed to create a working prototype.

The other major advancement has been sourdough starter. Using our first batch of manually ground flour and over the course of a week we have fed it, and it is now ready to be used. Roll on sour dough. My mouth waters at the prospect of fluffy bread, pizzas, batter, cookies, and some pastries.

Mateo and another beastman have gone to town with the baking. They have taken over a hut and use it for food preparation and experimentation. The smell of freshly baked bread is divine.

I am still in two minds whether to introduce them to fermentation. As with the weapons, I believe it may be better to get ahead of it. If they know about alcohol and its effects, they could better control and manage its spread. I will speak to Rowan about it whilst we travel to Glesall.

Yes we are travelling once again.

The peace and tranquillity lasted for just over a week.

Word has reached us that a fire has swept through Glesall, damaging half of the residential areas.

There have also been reports of discord and malicious rumours being spread about our family.

Alder wants to race ahead to Glesall, to curtail these rumours. He already has a small residence there and knows the city fairy well.

Alder has taken Thorne with him. They have also taken some of our things with them and are going to help out rebuilding and hopefully secure accommodations for us.

Clay has insisted on accompanying us to Glesall. He has contacts there that can help in cleansing our name of these rumours.

He is not bad company. He is inquisitive and speaks pleasantly and encouragingly to all the males. His ideas are some of the most informed and advanced I have come across in this world.

He has a genuine interest in innovations and development to better the beast world.

He is a little more mature than my males and it only adds to his presence. If I thought Rowan was a natural leader, he outshines him. Rowan's presence is commanding, authentic and strategic. Clay's is full of composure, confidence and authority.

I feel fortunate that they get along. I would hate to think of the consequences and aftermath if they hated each other. Two natural born leaders at loggerheads. No thank you.

I feel a strong fluttering in my growing stomach. The fluttering has been getting stronger in the past week. March has reassured me that it is the babies moving around. Their movements will become more noticeable and stronger as they grow. Truth be told, I am a little scared. I still have around 2 months, and I am already feeling huge. This world does not have the modern medicine I grew up with, and the dangers associated with birth are becoming more apparent.

A rough bump in the path jolts me from my musing. We soon catch up with the leading group, who are waiting next to a curve in the road.

"We shall stop and make camp for the evening. Night will soon be upon us." Rowan announces to the group.

The camp is soon set up. I do enjoy camping in the open. The stars shine and glitter like diamonds in this untainted sky. It is also a lot cooler than being stuck in an enclosed tent.

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