The great escape

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It was not long before we continued north travelling amongst the throng of evacuees.

Nearly all of us were covered in a thick layer of grey dust. Many of us with tears smearing this dust.

The mood is sombre. Quiet sobs and the shuffling of feet are the only sounds to be heard.

We finally come to a halt towards late afternoon.

The four cubs collapsed in a pile together, Felix and Luca fussing over them.

Marsh and Arron insist that I sit, they too start fussing over myself. I wave them off with a smile, patting the floor next to me.

The silence is broken by Felix. "How will we get in touch with Alder and Ethan?"

"They were heading north east." Arron explains. He gestures up the worn track. "This path heads north then veers of east. I say head in the same direction they were." Pointing off the beaten track.

The forest looks surprisingly inviting. The beginnings of spring evident in the lush new growth.

He places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Knowing them, they will be racing back to you."

"To us." I correct him.

A small smile graces his face.

I look around at our resting post. Others were starting to stop and look around unsure. Some opting to just sit and stare blankly at the ground.

"It will be hard work creating a new home without the things we prepared." Mused a solemn Luca.

"It will be hard work, but achievable. Think of it as a chance to improve on some of the designs." I say trying to add as much optimism. With a nod he starts stoking the cubs. I can see him thinking, a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you think they have found somewhere for our home?" Felix asks our small group.

Arron nods assuring. "Yes. Given the time scales and distances, I believe they have."

"So, the plan is continue moving in their direction, foraging and hunting as we go?" Luca asks a little unsure.

"I don't see why not. We have done it before, we can do it again." Arron replies. He sounds so confident, but I do not believe it's our capabilities that Luca is questioning.

Luca gulps. "And the others?" he asks quietly.

Arron looks directly at Luca. "I am certain they will join us soon." He speaks with such conviction, we believe him.

I see movement at the edge of our group. Sage and Ivy approach followed by a group of males.

Once within a close distance, Sage stops and speaks. "We overheard parts of your conversation. We would like to join you. We have no experience outside of the city and are unsure what to do. Can you help us?"

I look over them. Covered in dust and dirt. Fear and uncertainty in the way they hold themselves. It is as if my mothering and caring instinct kicks in. I feel an overwhelming need to comfort and take care of them in their vulnerable state.

I look at all of the other evacuees that have come to a standstill. Very few are proactive. I see shock settling in. Vacant stares, a few grieving quietly.

I stand up as the change in mood hits me. These people need help, and I can do that.

I look to my males, receiving a nod of approval. "We will stay here for a day or two and gather supplies from the surrounding forests."

I can see some of the worry leave their features.

I welcome the two females with warm hugs and beckon them to join our group. Sage immediately sits near the cubs and starts to tenderly stoke them. As if sensing her need for comfort, Buttercup roused from her slumber and drapes herself on Sage's lap.

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