The Council

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We sit patiently and nervously in front of a large building set between the colosseum and the trade stalls.

This large building is where the council have their meetings. Mirroring the monoliths, the building is circular, as opposed to the square and rectangular shape of the other dwellings.

A slender beastman steps into view and beckons us inside. We follow in single file, Ethan before me and Rowan behind. The passageway follows the exterior wall then back in on itself, opening up to a large central chamber.

I am sat between Rowan and Ethan, in front of a semicircle dais. Our box set in front of us.

The nine council members are already seated, looking down at us from their higher elevation.

The only one I recognise is Fenrick. The other eight look utterly bored.

Once everyone has settled down and the guards stand at their stations, Rowan introduces us to the council.

“What news do you have to share, that requires the council?” A tall man with long auburn hair and red eyes demands.”

“We have developments and ideas to share with the council.” Rowan states.

This does not seem to appease them as both the auburn haired man and a broad sun kissed man raise to leave.

This is a disaster. I jump up. “We can preserve meat to last for the winter.”

Silence. They immediately turn back. “Where are you from?” the sun kissed man asks.

“The clan I am from is a long way from here, it does not contain beastmen, and do not have their capabilities.”

A couple of them look down at me in disgust.

“What we lack in physical attributes, we made up for in intellect. Innovation, inventions and developments beyond your wildest dreams.” I remove my hood.

“Have you come here to gloat?” A blonde man with sad eyes asks.

“No, to share my knowledge.”

“I doubt there is anything us beastmen would find useful.” A man with white curly hair sneers.

Rowan opens the box in front of us, and nods his head to one of the exits. Nine of Fenricks people bring out nine matching boxes and places them at the feet of each of the elders. Each had a carving on the lid to represent the elders respectively.

Once placed, I continue. “I only wish to enrich your lives. I want to share innovations in building, infrastructure, entertainment, health, farming, trade and education:

I can show you how to prepare meat to last the winter.” I pick up a portion of smoked meat holding it out for them to see. They sniff at the meat. I pass a small portion to my mates, and they eat them immediately. This encourages the sun kissed male to tentatively nibble on his piece.

“It’s actually quite nice.” He says as he stuffs the remaining portion into his mouth. Like a domino effect, several more males eat their portion.

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