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The journey towards the next village follows a ridge of mountains to our right and large grass plains to our left.

The journey is arduous, with few breaks. The only respite is when we eat a quick lunch and camp for the evening.

As my stomach grows, so too do my ankles and the aches and pains. At least the morning sickness has died off. During the mornings I manage to walk for a few hours before it starts to become unbearable, they then take it in turns to carry me during the afternoons.

You would think being carried by my mates all afternoon would be sexy and romantic, especially now the ban has been lifted. By the end of the day, I am so worn out I am asleep before my head hits the furs.

It has been several days since leaving the ruins. There has been very little conversation, all the focus has been getting as much distance between the ruins and us.

Rowan and Ethan have been working on a special project the last few nights and have asked Arron for some assistance. They are remaining close lipped about the whole thing.

And to be honest, I won't push them to reveal it to me. They keep looking up with mischief, giggling on occasion. Which is a welcome relief to the tension between Alder and Thorne.

We stop at lunch today, and with a heavy sigh Rowan speaks up.

"How about we camp and recoup for a couple of days?"

You can almost hear the relief passing around the group.

Rowan continues. "There is a watering hole and abundant prey nearby.

I want regular patrols and a couple of us will backtrack to make sure there aren't any followers."

Arron and Ethan volunteer to backtrack, and patrols and rotations are quickly set up.

Marsh tosses clean furs and soap towards Felix. Before my bum has hit the floor, Luca scoops me up and follows Felix into the trees.

The trees soon thin out to reveal a lively stream flowing through large layered rocks. The far side is six foot of steep mossy rock. The large boulders on our side lay haphazardly, some sticking out of the fast flowing stream.

Luca and Felix help me over the slippery rocks to sit on a moss covered rock in the centre of the stream.

My legs dangle over the edge cooling my aching feet.

They stand either side of me and begin to slowly remove my clothing. Their fingers dancing over my skin, sending tingles to my core.

I find their touches soothing, refreshing and arousing.

Using the furs and soap they lather my body. Special attention is spent on my erogenous zones. My breasts are thoroughly soaped up and massaged, my bum and thighs too.

Cupping the cold water of the stream, they begin to wash the soap and travel from my skin.

The cold water makes goosebumps form all over, soon to be followed by their warm lips. The cold over my heated skin, doing nothing to dampen the arousal.

I close my eyes and savour the contrast.

They mirror each other's movements, kissing my body simultaneously.

Soft feather like kisses start on my collar bone, moving up towards my neck. I feel their warm breath against my cooling skin.

"Is it hot here, or is it just you?" Felix asks.

I smile into his lips as he devours me.

Luca kisses my jaw then whispers. "I think there is something wrong with my lips because I can't take them off of you."

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