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Shiny black and grey scales fill my vision.

I run my hand along the firm strong plates, hints of blue shining in the sun.

"Aurora, my love. We have recreated the harness and altered it to fit on Thorne." Arron says, drawing my attention from the hypnotic scales.

I move towards Thorne's head as they begin to strap the harness to his beast form.

"Do you want to test it out, before we set out?" Rowan asks.

I shake my head. "No thanks. I am confident in your adjustments."

I stroke Thornes head, a rumbling purr emanating from his chest. I stare into those deep eyes. The same deep, dark eyes that I lost my soul to just the other night.

The dragon takes a deep breath, obviously smelling my arousal.

His long tongue licks from my shoulder, up my neck and around my ear. The tongue elicited a tickle in response.

Straps are tightened and bags are being secured to three winged beastmen, Ethan, Alder and Thorne, as we prepare to travel to the eastern city of Tophia.

The pitter patter of numerous paws, playful growls and meowls get louder as the children descend.

I will miss them dearly, both the children and the men. I will miss all that we leave behind. We should be gone for 8 days. 8 days too long.

"Do we really have to go?" I whine.

"Unfortunately yes." Rowan states, then places his arm over my shoulder in comfort. "We will be back before you know it." With a kiss to my head he wishes the children good bye and mounts Ethan.

Clay's farewell is a little quicker, and he too is sitting atop Alder, waiting for me to be ready.

I share one more hug with my family.

"I know you are not keen." Arron's hand strokes my face. I lean into it. "We would all rather be here right now. A request for attendance from an official at Tophia cannot be ignored."

More like a summons.

We have been politely, but sternly summoned to Tophia. It was carefully worded. Formal introductions and the potential for trade negotiations and alliances to be made. The presence of the head family, the leaders of Utopia, in particular the female must be present.

"You did wish to still travel, visit and explore new places." Marsh tries to find some good from the situation as I embrace him once more. "Why not meet up with Rose and Misty? Make a small holiday out of it." He suggests.

That doesn't sound too bad, just need to get the political stuff out of the way, before I can relax.

Goodbye's are shared all around. Not just my family. Dawn's and Olive's have come to see us off too.

With Alder, Ethan and Thorne ready. Clay, Rowan and myself mounted, we begin our journey. The flying beasts take to the skies with ease.

With the ground rapidly falling away and the cold air blasting my face, I soon forget about the destination and strted taking in the views. Long stretches of forest dusting rolling hills.

It does not take long before I get distracted by the beast between my legs. His movements effortless and graceful. Every wing beat strong and powerful, much like the man.

Me riding Thorne. Hmmmm, that was good too. I wonder if any of them can just transform their wings. That would be an experience and a half.

A golden mass of feathers sweep past. Not one to turn down a challenge, the grey form of Alder swiftly follows, a scream coming from Clay at the sudden burst of speed.

Lost and FoundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang