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The festival is over.

We finally have the time to properly discuss the visions and how they impact myself and the family.

Dorian, McBurney and a Monk from the Citadel met with us.

The monk acts like a religious fanatic, assuring me it is the Lords will. He would never task us with something we can't cope with. Have faith in the Lord and all will be good.

Every question was met with an open phrase or quote. No true answers were found with the Monk.

It is safe to say that most of my males were disgruntled by his antics. Out of respect they kept their opinions to themselves, just a few groans were heard on occasion.

On a brighter note, he brought records of past visionaries. Inciting that there may be things in there that will help us to manage, possibly induce visions.

There are no diaries from the past seer's, just records of who, where they resided and the visions they had.

Many of the methods suggested to induce visions require the consumption of questionable plants. We all agree that inducing visions are too risky whilst I am pregnant.

Put out by our lack of enthusiasm, we agreed to record everything, however minor. He will return in the spring with another monk who claims, besides McBurney, has had visions/visitations from the beast Lord.

Once he finally leaves (persuaded by McBurney to visit our temple) we ask Dorian to stay for dinner. We would like to get to know him better, and possibly discuss the past lives I have shared with him.

He is very willing to join us. He begins by explaining that he is very old and he believes he and I have a connection that transcends what we know.

The more he talks, the more he opens up to us, the more emotion I see in his once rigid features. Little gestures, tiny movements that hint to his feelings.

We discuss the Monk he brought over. Admitting he is a little eccentric, but he had access to the records required.

Wanting to drop the topic in favour of light conversation at our evening meal, we resolve to meet up in Avlam in spring following Violet and Ovie's 'trial' to once more visit the topic in more detail.

Following dinner, I sit in Thorne's embrace. Since he learnt I was pregnant, he has been over protective. We learnt it was better to let him have the physical contact with myself, at least when unmated males were around.

Poor Leif, Emmet and Raine are being growled at several times a day, and as a result try to keep out of his way.

"Do you have everything ready for winter?" I ask Darian casually.

"Yes thank you. With warmth and sustenance accounted for, I just need a couple of items to occupy my time."

"It's a shame you are not spending the winter here. You could have always joined us in the workshops." Arron states.

Darian's eyebrows move just a fraction. "You are keeping them open over the winter?"

Nodding I reply. "We trialled it last winter at Glesall. The main routes to and thro were kept clear. We may not get much work done, just the company was enough to help alleviate the winter blues."

"You have some weird sayings. What about the steep hill from your home?" Darian as us in curiosity.

"That would be down to the genius of Arron. Work has just been finished on a 'lift' within the hillside. It allows people and goods to go up and down without being exposed to the elements." Rowan says, patting Arron affectionately on his back, causing him to almost spill his drink.

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