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The horse and falcon dropped out. It was sigh of relief on my part. 

But still, eight hot, sexy males. 

After the initial shock of doubling the number of males had worn off, I demanded (yeah right, more like requested) a family meeting with both the new and current mates. With my new found courage I explained that I wished to spend a day with each of them. During this day we will do an activity of their choice. It is a chance for me to get to know them on a more personal level. 

They managed to run the workshops between them and make sure the dates went ahead every other day. 

Rowan took me to the north eastern side of the citadel where small pools of water were littered with huts on stilts. Beyond the ridge of small mountains are several lakes, with rivers running away into the vast forests beyond. We spent some time hunting our lunch and cooked it as we lazed next to one of the lakes. It reminded me of how we used to live at our Eden. It was simple and relaxing. 

Ethan took me up into a mountain where we went flying. Circling around the citadel taking in the scenery. He presented me with a skirt made from his feathers and leather, it is stunning, and is now my favourite skirt. Flying to a south western mountain, we looked over the terrain that we will soon be crossing. Ribbons of water sparked between the forest. 

Alder’s griffin form is just as stunning as the myths portray. He took me to one of the far corners of the citadel where the ruins of one of the oldest buildings lay. We took out time studying the ancient carvings and speculated as to the use of this building and what the people must have been like. He said he has found many sites like this over the beastworld. When we get to Glesall, he will show me some of his more unusual artifacts. He gifted me a necklace he found, one made of carved turquoise. 

Marsh took me through caves that was illuminated with bio luminescence. It opened up to the most spectacular forest cave. Up above it all the cave is open allowing the sunlight to shine on this underground forest. A series of eddies flowed between the trees. We bathed and swam. As we relaxed in the warm eddies, we talked about our future. Sharing our dreams and speculating of what may become. 

Mateo is a large man and has a hairy chest. He gets on great with the males, just gets really nervous with me. For our date he took me into the woods for a ramble. He showed me his favourite foods to catch and forage. As he slowly opened up to me, I found him to be the sweetest most loving being. Perceptive, nurturing and creative. We found a bee hive and between the smoke and the thick fur of his bear, we managed to gather some with no stings. The honey was then used to glaze some fish for our meal. He is defiantly a foodie, so we talk for ages about food combinations and the possible foods we can find and create during our travels. 

The twins, dark skin as smooth as silk, oozing sex appeal and confidence. Felix and Luca wanted a date together. They have a mirror thing going on. Felix dominant side is left, Luca is right. They finish each other’s sentences, and creepily know where the other one is without looking. They are so flirtatious, they constantly have me blushing. So energetic and fun loving, they certainly kept me on my toes throughout our date. We built a rope swing that hung out onto the lake, constructed rafts and had water fights. Their competitive and energetic nature it soon turned into an afternoon of challenges. 

Arron, the spider, has dark hair with red highlights, much thinner than the other males he has a quiet stillness about him. For our date, Arron took me up to a web he had built. His silk is stunning. We spent some time talking about the different types of silks he produces and the alternative uses of each. Between us we create a crude working lyre and spend some time playing, singing and dancing. It was a truly magical experience. 

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