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Aurora's POV

Marsh's magical hands have kept me busy during the mating ritual. Along with Rowan's ungodly body, Ethan's sinful mouth and Alder's worshiping ministrations I am feeling thoroughly loved and cherished.

It was almost enough for me to dismiss the mating ritual altogether, but despite this they still managed somehow convince me to attend. The only saving grace was my insistence to watch and observe from the shadows.

The first day was enough for me. The one sided pageantry was enough to make me detest the unequal treatment of genders more than ever.

On a brighter note, my friends looked beautiful. They were unquestionably the best looking and well-presented of the females attending. Others have tried and have made good efforts. Half of the females were washed, dressed beautifully, and their hair combed.

From my corner I watched as 30 females sat around the edge of the auditorium guarded by two of their strongest mates. Single males enter and gather in the centre. Some of the braver males move towards their chosen female.

For the most part the males stood there whilst they were not so quietly judged. It was cringeworthy to watch as males were rejected due to their beast, number of stripes or just for being different.

A number of times I struggled to hold in my tears as I see their hopes and dreams shattered without a second thought.

Very few of the females take the initiative and start asking questions of possible suitors.

I am hiding closest to Ivy as she asks the nervous beastman in front of her what his greatest hunt was to date.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Rowan stand taller. He moves me behind him as footsteps approach.

"Greetings. We are wondering if your female is partaking in the mating ritual, as we would like to be considered as mates." A voice asks.

This voice sends tingles down my spine. I tentatively peer around Rowan's body to look at who this stimulating voice belongs to. To my surprise the male stands the same height as Rowan, his body slightly more slender, with skin the colour of chocolate.

"Are you curious, princess?" Alder whispers to me. I find myself nodding, still staring at the attractive male before us.

"It appears you have the attention of our female. Let us convene in a more secluded area to talk more privately." Alder suggests.

Rowan turns to me smiling and raising his eyebrow.

I raise my shoulder in response. It can't be too bad, can it?

We stick to the shadows moving towards a more secluded part of the auditorium, where I am seated between Rowan and Alder.

To my horror twelve men take a seat in front of me. I do a double take as I spot the chocolate god sitting beside his twin.

"How would you like to do this, princess?" Alder whispers.

"I don't know, I was hoping to avoid this." I admit nervously.

"I know princess. How about I do the introductions to start us off?" I nod and take another look at the waiting males.

Alder introduced us to the males and explained our family dynamics to the males as I looked over them.

They looked at him attentively as he explained my rules. . Iwill not consider anyone who has just reached maturity. If they still wish topursue, they should spend a couple of years training and learning beforereturning. It is not that I do not value them, I just prefer my mates with a bit more maturity to them.

Lost and FoundNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ