The Verdict

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We sit in the council’s chamber awaiting their decision.

Having barely slept the night before, I was irritable. On top of the residual feelings from yesterday, I had a sense of foreboding.

The fake smile plastered on my face hid the ominous feeling of dread.

The only thing that lightened my mood, are my mates.

The council members assumed their seats on the dais. Once all were settled Bren, the phoenix, stood and addressed us.

“After careful consideration and lengthy deliberation, we are prepared to offer the following:

Note takers will be provided by the Citadel to garner all knowledge from yourself.

A residence will be provided for you in the Citadel, there you will await items and products that are gathered and donated by the Citadel.

Any further resources will need to be requested from the Citadel. We will assess the request and if granted, they will be provided for a suitable fee.

All developments and processes garnered by these items and products will remain the property of the Citadel and will be distributed at the Citadels bidding.

Mates will be presented to you that will secure and promote alliances and trade with other cities, enabling for wider sources of items and products.

One of each litter produced with said males will be of service to the Citadel, for services rendered.”

“May we have a moment to discuss this?” I ask them.

Bren nods his acceptance. Rowan, Ethan and I move as far away from the council as possible.

With just one look at their faces, I can see we are all in agreement. It is a big fat no.

I am stunned and appalled. They must think I am desperate to accept these terms. Whilst their offer has fancy terms and appealing wording, I read between the lines.

“Are we in agreement to refuse?” I ask.

“Yes” they say together.

“It would make things a little more challenging, but I believe we can achieve our goals without them.” Ethan adds.

“Are you ok, my love?” Rowan asks. 

“I am a little angry and sad. I guess I expected too much from them.” Both place a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“I mean, really, do they really expect us to be grateful for their demands?” I ask.

We are to permanently reside in the Citadel. They want to limit our access to resources. They want to control the spread of knowledge. They will choose my future mates and we must give them one of each litter as payment.

Maybe it’s the mood I am in. I have had enough of this place. The cramped hut, the females, the council. All of it.

“It’s more like they underestimated you.” Ethan coos at me.

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