Chapter Seventy

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As the Empire awakend, the anticipation for The Chosen Season reached its peak. The 20 eligible men, chosen from all corners of the realm, gathered in the grand ballroom of the palace. Each of them had their own hopes and dreams, but all shared one common goal: to win the heart of the princess. I Yves am that princess.
My mother Her Majesty Empress Diana stood at the front of the room, observing the nervous faces before her. She knew that this competition, this tradition that has been withheld through every generation of royals could not only determine her future bloodline but also the future emperor consort of the Laurent Empire. It was a weighty responsibility, and she hoped I would pick the right choice.
The doors swung open, and I made my grand entrance. As I walked down the aisle, I couldn't help but notice how the men couldn't help but be captivated by my presence.

The first phase of The Chosen Season began with a series of brief interactions. Speed courting if you will. Each man had a few minutes to make a lasting impression on me. Some approached me with confidence, engaging me in witty conversation and showcasing their charm. Others stumbled over their words, their nerves getting the best of them and the rest was just downright pitiful.

Among the contenders, there was Thorne, a skilled swordsman who impressed the crowd with a chivalric performance . Then there was Linus, a charismatic storyteller who had everyone laughing with his tales of adventure. And there was Malachi, a quiet and thoughtful man who listened intently to the princess, making her feel truly heard.

As the day went on, I found myself drawn to the different personalities and qualities each man possessed. I saw determination, kindness, and ambition in their eyes. It was a difficult task to choose just one among them.

Meanwhile, I observed as my mother watched the interactions unfold, carefully observing the chemistry between her daughter and the suitors. He wanted nothing more than to see her precious sister happy.
My mind suddenly disappeared to the old days.

                      | FLASHBACK |

"My dearest Yves" mother began.
"Let me tell you a tale about a precious gem. This gem was unlike any other, for it possessed a radiant glow that captivated everyone who laid eyes upon it. People from far and wide desired to possess this gem, believing it would bring them happiness and fulfilment."
I listened intently, my eyes fixed on her face as she spoke. Empress Diana continued, "But one day, the gem realised its true worth was not in the admiration of others, but in the beauty and uniqueness it held within itself. It discovered that its true purpose was to shine brightly, not for the validation of others, but for its own joy and fulfillment."
I pondered my mother's words, feeling a sense of understanding wash over me. Mother smiled warmly and said, "My dear Yves, you are that precious gem. Your worth is not determined by the opinions or expectations of others. You have a light within you that is meant to shine, not to please others, but to bring joy and fulfillment to your own life."
My eyes filled with tears of gratitude and realization. I hugged her tightly, feeling a newfound sense of confidence and self-acceptance. From that day forward, I carried the Empress's words in my heart, embracing my true self and recognizing my inherent worth.
              | END OF FLASHBACK |

As the chapter came to a close, the first impressions had been made, and I was left with a whirlwind of emotions. The Chosen Season had only just begun, and the journey to find true love and a worthy companion was just starting.
And so, the stage was set for the next phase of the season, where I and the suitors would embark on a series of challenges and adventures that would define the rest of my life.
The sun shone brightly in the palace gardens, casting a warm glow over the vibrant flowers and lush greenery. I found solace in this tranquil oasis, seeking a moment of respite from the whirlwind of The Chosen Season.

As I strolled along the winding paths, a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of blooming peonies. Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard the sound of a melodious voice, singing a sweet tune that seemed to blend harmoniously with the surrounding nature.

Intrigued, I followed the sound, my steps leading me to a secluded corner of the garden. There, I discovered a young man named Elion, sitting beneath a blossoming cherry tree. His voice, like a cascading waterfall, filled the air with a sense of tranquility.

Enchanted by the beauty of his voice, I approached him with a smile. He looked up, surprised to see me, the princess standing before him. His eyes widened, but he quickly composed himself and rose to his feet.

"Princess Yves, what an unexpected pleasure," Elion said, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Your voice is truly enchanting, Elion," I replied, my eyes sparkling with admiration. "I couldn't resist following the sound and discovering the source of such beauty."

Elion's cheeks flushed with a hint of bashfulness. "Thank you, Princess. Music has always been my solace, a way to express the depths of my heart." He said adjusting his round rimmed glasses
I nodded, since he had  piqued my curiosity.

"Tell me, Elion, what inspires you to sing? What emotions do you seek to convey through your melodies?"

A gentle smile graced Elion's lips as he pondered my question. "When I sing, I aim to convey the joy and sorrow that reside within all of us. It is a way for me to touch the souls of those who listen, to remind them of the shared human experience."

I listened intently, captivated by Elion's words. I felt a connection, a resonance between our spirits. In that moment, the palace gardens seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us, lost in conversation and the beauty of the music that surrounded us.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the garden, Elion and I bid each other farewell. But our encounter in the palace gardens had hopefully left an indelible mark on his heart, since it sure did on mine.
Little did I know this was just the beginning of our blossoming love story.


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