Chapter Sixty-Nine

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The sun had long set and the starry sky with stars resembling twinkling diamonds highlighted the room. It's been a while since I sawCelestia. Her flowing golden hair shimmered like rays of sunlight, her blue eyes reflected the vastness of the sky and her gaze was just as cunning and mischievous as ever.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked, my arms crossed and my eyes suspicious.

"Well isn't it nice to see you again dear?"
Sarcastic undertones laced her melodic voice which was gentle in contrast to its true message.

"Though I have been meaning to meet you, someone else sent me to you."
I wondered what she was leading on to.

"Cassis reached out to me."
Now she has piqued my interest.

"What about?"
I questioned, my voice filled with reverence.

Celestia extended her hand and from her palm a shimmering gown materialized. The fabric seemed to be woven from stardust and moonlight, adorned with intricate patterns that danced like constellations. It was an exquisite dress adorned with intricate lace, delicate ruffles, and ornate embroidery. The silhouette is elegant and flowing, with a fitted bodice and a voluminous skirt that cascades gracefully to the floor.

The fabric was luxurious, like silk or satin, and it was embellished with shimmering sequins and pearls. The colors are enchanting, ranging from soft pastels to rich jewel tones. When you wear a rococo gown. It was the kind of dress that made you feel like a fairytale princess, ready to dance the night away in a world of enchantment and beauty.

I gaped in awe and astonishment as the piece floated towards me. I felt my worries disappear into thin air as I gently took the gown, feeling its weightlessness in my hands. I could sense the power infused within its very fibres.

"Celestia..It's beautiful." I managed to utter as I struggled to keep the tears aback. It has been difficult. Though the issue with Chloette stealing my gown was trivial and just petty, I couldn't help but feel down. It had affected me in a way I hadn't expected.

"Well it's all yours now and I'm certain you'll look stunning." I couldn't help it, for the first time I went up to Celestia and embraced her in my arms. I felt her warmth as she welcomed me and stroked my head. My first memorable experience with her was shared under the bright full moon'slight.
"It was actually very thoughtful of you to ask Celestia for help." I gazed into his charming blue eyes as I spoke.

"It's the least I could do." He said as he affectionately squeezed my hand.

We took a leisurely stroll along the tranquil shores of a picturesque lake on the palace grounds. The sun was gently setting, casting a warm golden glow across the water. We held hands, their fingers intertwined, as we walked along the path, our footsteps creating a soft rhythm.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze.
We paused to admire the graceful swans gliding across the water, their elegant movements mirroring the love and harmony between a loving couple. The sound of distant birdsong added a melodic backdrop to our conversation, creating a serene and intimate atmosphere.

Shortly after, we found a cozy spot by the water's edge, where they sat on a bench, our gazes fixed on the shimmering reflections dancing on the lake's surface. We spoke of dreams, hopes, and shared aspirations, our voices filled with warmth and affection.

Time seemed to stand still as I embraced the beauty of the moment, I cherished his company, I wonder if he did mine.
As the evening sky painted vibrant hues of orange and pink, he held me close, feeling the gentle breeze caress my face, my cheeks adopting a pink hue.

Whether it was the temperature or my rapidly beating heart it was unbeknownst to me. In that tranquil setting, surrounded by nature's beauty, I found solace and a deep connection that would forever be etched in my heart. Moments like this make me dread the unknown future.

The future where moments like these could cease to exist. The same future destined to be against me. It was all out of my hands and I couldn't bear the thought of losing everything again. I had come too far to have everything ripped away from me again. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise how hard I was clenching Cassis's hand.

I found myself in a moment of vulnerability and tenderness. As we sat together, our eyes locked, Cassis gently cupped my face in his hands, his voice filled with concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine care.

I looked into his eyes, feeling the warmth of his touch and the sincerity in his question. A soft smile graced my lips as I nodded, reassured by his presence.

"I'm okay," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

At that moment, Cassis leaned in, closing the distance between us. Our lips met in a gentle and tender kiss, a silent affirmation of his presence and support for me. Time seemed to stand still as we embraced, our hearts beating in sync.

As he pulled away, his forehead gently resting against mine, Cassis whispered, "I'm here for you, always." His words carried a promise, a reminder that he would be there to support me through any challenge they faced together.

It was a kiss filled with love, understanding, and a deep connection that transcended words. In that simple act, Cassis and I found comfort and a renewed sense of strength. He was my rock and I keep forgetting that we are in this together. He is and has always been my safety net. I just keep letting myself forget that.

"It's getting chilly." He said as he handed over his tailcoat, my trembling shoulders accepted his jester with open arms.


Hey everyone! It's Iriaasteria here, and I wanted to take a moment to apologize for being on a hiatus. Life has been pretty hectic lately, but I promise I'll be back soon with more content for all of you and a consistent schedule. I appreciate your patience and understanding!

On another note, I wanted to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅 May your holiday season be filled with love, joy, and lots of laughter. Take this time to relax, enjoy the company of your loved ones, and create beautiful memories together. Sending warm holiday wishes to all of you! Enjoy the festivities and have a fantastic Christmas! 🎁❤️

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