Chapter Sixty-Two

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| Aelia's POV |

"Don't touch me." I demanded as I smacked her fingers off my wrist. Her repulsive touch akin to acid hesitantly fell off my skin. The atmosphere had grown silent and I could feel everyone's gaze on me. What an irritating situation this was.

"I-I'm sorry I-Im really sorry." Tears streamed down her porcelain face and she meekly withdrew her hand.

Suddenly, I felt an impulse to unleash the piled-up frustration that had increased ever since we arrived in Silvanus. My neutrality now favoured dislike and glaring was how I conveyed the stinging emotion.

"That's enough Aelia. How long will you continue to be ungrateful and ridicule her after she already gave you an apology?" Chloette's shield grabbed her trembling fingers as he peered down at me. Amber flared eyes glinted mercilessly in my direction. The sight only reminded me of how much I hate his shade of yellow. Cunning and deceitful eyes.

They were the same eyes that appeared before me upon recalling the past Aelia's memories. It was those same eyes that glimmered brightly as he shoved his sword through her heart. It was clear that this was the position they always aimed to place me in, for I was the cruel villainess. A villainess whose existence is to make the heroine shine bright.

Once her flowery path is in sight, my disposal is to be what follows. Thinking back, this must be exactly what the past Aelia had faced. Used by someone who took her compassion for granted, she was bound to fail the minute Caspian captured her devoted heart.

The image of her dead body bleeding dry blinded my sight. Red continues to sting as the shackles of death embrace her villainous soul. I'll forever recapture the scene in my mind. It was a reminder of what I've fought for ever since my transmigration. I wasn't going to fall in line. The docile villainess who stayed true to her role was long gone. And she's never coming back.

| Hours Prior To The Scene |

Upon hearing what Caspian and Nicholas were discussing I tried not to think much of the situation. Trapped in an ice castle with people who despised me wasn't really at the top of my list, however, it would be a great hazard to even think of going anywhere  in the stormy blizzard. I had concluded that there wouldn't be much that could go wrong. That proved to be wishful thinking.

"She's been following you around all day." As we strolled through the indoor garden, Argentie whispered in a quiet voice. It hasn't been a day yet but hopes of having a peaceful time went crashing down like the London bridge. With her ladies following close after, there she was crouched in the bushes.

It wasn't the first time I noticed Chloette lurking around. First, it was during my riding session, as she hid in the stables, almost frightening Silvermist, Argentie's horse. Then as Argentie and I practised my archery skills on the knight grounds, she managed to knock over a barrel of swords kept in the arsenal. Considering this, I opted to ignore her.

Since our previous meeting at the imperial hunting tournament, I've taken additional precautions to avoid the novel's protagonist. Not out of malicious intentions, it just felt like it would be the best route to peacefully getting through the delegation period.

"Ignoring her would be the best option." I mention to Argentie and she nodded in agreement. For a brief period, I glanced and met her pinkish eyes, which darkened and lost their radiance the instant our gazes connected. An inexplicable sensation poured over me, pushing me to break my gaze and head forward with Argentie.

"My lady, I think violet is a fitting colour." Nora stated while bringing out a violet-coloured gown. A welcoming dinner with our delegation and the royal family was scheduled for a few minutes later. Finding appropriate apparel for the occasion was deemed much more difficult than I had anticipated as I watched my maids and the maids assigned to me by the queen frantically unpack my possessions and switch through garments.

I finally agreed upon the violet dress from Madame Lenard's winter collection. Accompanied by the dress was a diamond necklace with the shade of wisteria in full bloom. Waves of blonde strands fell down my shoulders as I gazed in the mirror. "You look amazing, your highness." They praised, their flattery was as sweet as honey.

"They're right, your looks are captivating." Cassis softly said to me and we made our way to the dining hall.

Arriving at the castle's dining hall I was in awe. Its icy interior captures the snowy north like a camera's lens. Chandeliers resembling icicles brightened the night and hung above the long glass table that appeared to be carved out of diamonds. It was an exquisite display of wealth.

His Majesty sat at the head of the table and his wife Her Majesty the queen sat at his right side. On the left were Crown prince Nicholas and his fiancee Lady Delilah. Following Delilah came Elliot and Chaster. All dressed up formally.

Cassis and I found our seats next to Argentie who sat next to the Empress. Looking at the seating it seemed I would be sitting next to the imperial couple who were yet to arrive. They really strived for eye-catching entrance. I watched as the couple walked hand in hand.

Caspian's fiery red hair was set free with curls roaming amongst it.
Chloette wore a low bun and a huge smile as they sat down next to me. I watched as her smile captivated the male leads. Caspian's at her side received it and Elliot at the other end of the table gazed with jealousy in his eyes. Looking past the awkward start, the night flew steadily, That was until the incident happened.

"You don't have to, I can pour it myself." Chloette assured the maid who brought over a piping hot teapot. Chloette, who had declined wine, asked for tea as a compromise. "Yes, Mylady." Replied the maid to a bright Chloette and she left with a bright expression as her job had been made easier.

Whether her hand slipped or it was intentional was yet to be known, however, what was known was that I needed the stinging sensation to be treated as soon as possible. Not even looking at the cause of the pain I stood up ready to excuse myself.

"Ah, w-wait." I turned to a frightened face. Her grip on my sore wrist made me flinch in pain.

"Don't touch me." I demanded as I smacked her fingers off my wrist. Her repulsive touch akin to acid hesitantly fell off my skin. The atmosphere had grown silent and I could feel everyone's gaze on me. Chaster and Elliot were more unpleasant as they glared ferociously.

"I-I'm sorry, really s-sorry." Chloette's trembling voice had now become a new source of irritation.

"That's enough Aelia. How long will you continue to be ungrateful and ridicule her after she already gave you an apology." Chloette's shield grabbed her trembling fingers as he peered down at me. Amber flared eyes glinted mercilessly in my direction.

"I'm sure Lady Reina can fight her own battles." I watched as he scrunched his nose.

"Your interpretation of this situation is so far-fetched that it's baffling. Rather than questioning my gratefulness, I'd focus on educating the lady seeing as she can't hold a teapot without spilling its contents" I felt the temperature drop however I could care less.

"Aelia!" He roared with his fist clenched at his side.

"Your majesties, I'll be retreating to my chambers for now." I bowed politely at the king and queen.

"Yes Aelia, we'll send the royal physician for your wrist." Only then did Caspian see the red burn on my wrist. "Let's go, Cassis."

"I'd advise you not to raise your voice at me again. I don't consider myself to be rather lenient, Your Highness." Those were my last words to Caspian before I left. I could hear him grit his teeth. He did attempt to follow me however he was held back by a tear-stricken Chloette.

That's how my first evening at Silvanus ended.


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