Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sounds of clattering plates and tableware were heard in the luxuriously decorated dining room.

Several food trolleys were brought in and they filled the air with all kinds of aromatic scents.
The aroma engulfed the whole room, the pleasant and delicious scents could make one's mouth water.

The servants professionally placed the dishes before the guests and brought out beverages.

Tessia sat at the head of the long table.
Cassis and Aelia were on her left and Princess Argentie and the nobles from the delegation were on her right.

The maids diligently took their positions behind the seats after the food was served.

It was a feast to be exact, since all kinds of varieties of delicacies were provided.
Meaning the chef did an exquisite job.

Not only did they smell good  they were also appetising.

"I see some dishes from the North were prepared."
Argentie who elegantly placed a beef dumpling in her mouth with chopsticks said with a smile on her face.

"Ah yes we thought it would be fit for the occasion, I hope the dishes are to your liking."
Tessia answered casually whilst slicing a piece of filet-mignon steak.

"My compliments to the chef, they did a delightful job."

"I'll pass that on."
With a light laugh, Tessia continued cutting her steak.

"How was the journey from the Northern continent?"
Small conversations were initiated and the atmosphere began to loosen up.
Not a bit of awkwardness was felt as Argentie started to earnestly discourse about the trip from her homeland.

"Despite the heavy snow, it was comfortable and I looked forward to it."
She meet eyes with Aelia who was silently sipping on a glass of champagne.
Then smiled gently at her.
Even though she was caught off guard Aelia smiled back due to courtesy.

Later on, the three nobles of Silvanus who introduced themselves as Emiele Ai The Duchess of Ai, Orphie Daiyu The Marchioness of Daiyu, and Ahri Leblanc Yue The Countess of Yue also joined the conversation.

They spoke smoothly and more comfortably definitely better than previously as they were a bit restrained.

That was until an uncomfortable topic was touched.

Countess Ahri who was caught up in the conversation decided to open up a new one.

"I've heard Her Highness Aelia is engaged to the Crown Prince, how is it like."

Her sea-green hair fluttered behind her shoulders and her curly bangs covered her pale hazel eyes.

She might not have noticed the temperature drop so she kept looking at Aelia with sparkles in her irises waiting for an answer.

Aelia paused at the sudden question.
She lightly placed down the glass she had in her right hand and focused her eyes on Ahri's brownish-green irises.

Despite the unexpected and awkward question, she remained calm and composed.

"His Highness and I are currently engaged, so it's my responsibility to support him as much as I can."

Her answer was rather indifferent so Ahri who finally figured out about the line which being drawn didn't question any further.

The rest who were present were aware of the up-to-date relationship between Aelia and Crown Prince Caspian so Aelia's answer led to the topic's end.

Although Argentie wasn't frowning she had a complex expression when the Crown Prince was brought up.


"Do you have to marry the Crown Prince?
You can marry me instead, I might not be a Crown Prince, however, I'll later become a Grand Duchess and that's much cooler."

"Pff don't go around proposing to people like that, one might misunderstand."

'She laughed...'

For the first time, Argentie heard a sound of laughter from Aelia and for that she was glad.


Regardless of the unbearable conversation topic, the subject was smoothly changed and the night went on without any awkward feelings.


It's been a few days since the Silvanian delegates arrived and the relationship between The two princesses became more apparent.

Saying Argentie enjoyed Aelia's presence was an understatement...

She stuck close to her like glue and followed her around like a baby duck.
From going to Aelia's greenhouse to watching her work in her study.

Argentie spent her days with Aelia and Cassis her assistant who had to third-wheel from behind every single time.

He was sick and tired of watching the two run off into the sunset.

"Where are the Princess's whereabouts."

Aelia was already drawing the arrow through her slim fingers as she took in a deep breath, her grey eyes were focused on her goal as she aimed at the Target.


She released the string allowing the arrow to slash through the wind and hit the bullseye.

Aelia or should we say Loréal had learned archery in her past life post reincarnation and she was very good at it.
The feeling of hitting the target was so thrilling that it fuelled her enthusiasm.
She was glad that one of her hobbies could be practiced in this world.

"The princess is currently on the training grounds with the Duchy's knight."

"She's probably dueling them isn't she."
Aelia didn't seem to be surprised at Cassis's report.

"She defeated the vice commander."

"Once again I'm not surprised."
Aelia squinted her eyes as she pulled on her bow's string.
Her second bullseye was hit.

"What's on today's agenda?"

"The meeting with the Northern Vassals, the Duchess asked you to take her place."
Aelia paused and turned herself to Dean who stood next to Cassis holding a quiver of arrows.

"How far is the investigation."

"We've found a lead Mylady.
Baron Eden seems to be linked to the kidnappings."

'Baron Eden...Baron Eden...Baron Ed- Ah!'

'He was the one who swore allegiance to the main Male lead after the Duchy fell.'

Aelia's eyes went cold as she thought of the traitor who could turn out to be a possible spy.

"Keep searching for accomplices and evidence, it should be ready by tonight."

Aelia handed the bow to Dean and headed to her study with Cassis right beside her.

'What did I do in my past life to deserve this.'
Dean couldn't help but curse at himself since his scary boss doubled his workload.


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