Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Kidnappings? What do you mean by kidnappings?"

"Yes, it's been three days since children around ages eight to ten have been reported missing."
Dean who stood in front of the dark curtains answered with a masked face.

"After buying information from some information guilds I found out that orphan children from the slums and rural villages in the Duchy are most likely the targets."

"How many have been reported missing in the last three days."

"A sum of thirty children Mylady."

"Does the Duchess know about this?"

"Her grace's assistant was informed by me and he has already sent out the investigation division."

"I see..."

"What about the Northern Vassals? Aren't they supposed to send a daily report on what happens in the provinces to the Duchess?"

"Since the last council meeting, none of them have been in touch except for Viscountess Stielle."

"How incompetent..."
Aelia frowned as she sat on her bed with her legs crossed.

As if she was in deep thought Aelia caressed her chin whilst staring at the canopy ceiling of her bed.


"Yes, Mylady!"

"I want you and Lord Odell to lead the investigation pass that on to the Duchess also ask her for permission for me to be present at the next council meeting."


"You can leave now if that's all."

And just like that the Butler/Informant/ Assassin was gone.

"What do you think about the situation?"
A squeaky thump was heard as Aelia's body slumped onto the mattress's softness.

"I think it's weird that things that weren't mentioned in the novel are suddenly appearing."
Cassis answered placing down a pen and turning his chair towards Aelia.

"Well I wouldn't say it's illogical since our existence itself isn't supposed to be in this world, the moment we were dragged from the modern world into this novel the plot was already tampered with so I wouldn't be surprised if things start to differ from the original storyline."

"Plus we read the story from the female lead's point of view,
Aelia and Cassis are just side characters so their past which doesn't involve any of the main characters will probably not be mentioned. That's how irrelevant their characters were... they were just plot devices to keep the story going..."

"That makes sense now that I think about it, however, what's bothering me are the vassal families, the way they're neglecting their jobs is giving me some bad feelings, my intuition is telling me that they're either hiding something or they're directly involved."

"So you've noticed it too? Even in the novel, I found it suspicious how they quickly switched sides after the Duchess was murdered."
Aelia's eyes turned cold.

"I think an insider leaked information that's how they were able to effortlessly frame a renowned duchess. Even if he's the crown prince he wouldn't be able to take down an influential noble without the help of a spy."
Despite the urgency, both Cassis and Aelia were able to conclude.
Now what's left is the solution.

"Tomorrow we're going to go out Cassis."

"For what?"

"Let's just say we'll be taking justice into our own hands."
A menacing smirk blossomed on her moonlit face. She was more than ready to bring down anyone or thing in her way.

"You sound like some thug conspiring on how to beat up people."
Cassis raised his eyebrow as he added his thoughts.

Shortly after that, he was hit by a flying pillow.


"When you talked about taking justice into your own hands I didn't think you would mean it quite literally."

"Why are we in the middle of god knows where dressed like your local third-rate villains."
Cassis couldn't believe what he had gotten himself into. He just stood in place staring at the nonchalant expression the girl wore.

Cassis and Aelia decided to secretly investigate Baron Eden's fief after receiving the briefing from Dean.

They got dressed in all black clothes, cloaks, and dark face masks.

"And out of all the clothes you picked the most shabbily designed ones."

"It's so we don't stand out idiot, do you know what'll happen if we get caught?"
Having enough of his whining Aelia rolled her eyes and answered.

"Yes, that's why I'm saying this is a bad idea, not just a bad idea it's illegal. Investigating a noble's mansion without a permit from the imperial palace is a dangerous offence, the duchess could easily get out of it, however, think about her reputation, yours too."
Cassis snapped back trying to talk her out of it, however, Aelia's decision was already set in stone.

"I'm well aware of the consequences but even if we ask for a permit it'll take days, weeks, or maybe months for it to be approved, and by that time the worst might have already happened to those missing children."

"I'm sure Tessia would've agreed with me if she were in my shoes, we can't just sit back and passively act whilst the lives of innocent children are at stake, the seconds and minutes we waste here determine how dangerous the situation becomes."

"Either you're with me or not Cassis because I'm not changing my mind. Stay or leave because your mindset right now is in my way, it's your decision to make. Choose wisely."
Her silver eyes glowed passionately yet dangerously, they emitted a bright light that could captivate any being.

"Haa... I'm not going to change your mind right?"

"Yes, you're not."
She answered confidently and stood her ground.

"Tsk... you're not going alone then."

"So you're coming with me?"
A warm smile blossomed on her face though it went by unseen due to her mask.

"You're acting like I actually have a choice, we promised to stay together, I'm not going to leave you for a reason like this."

"Wise words Cassis."

"You knew I would agree from the moment you started talking didn't you?"

"You can't resist me~"
Aelia's smirk was playful as she teased Cassis.

He then continued to walkoff whilst rolling his eyes till he saw the back of his head.

"Hey! Wait up!"
She chased after him as they both went down a path covered with a beautiful orange-blue sunset.


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