Chapter Thirty-Six

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*If you want to skip read till page 16.*

"Announcing Her Highness Aelia Elora De Lian and her escort Lord Ashton Colére De Bellum."

As they entered the banquet hall hand in hand, the looks of the guests turned spectacular.

Whispers and mummers filled the room.

There was a heavy silence after the appearance of Aelia and Cassis.
Even the foreign delegates seemed to have caught onto the situation.

The atmosphere was rather similar to a funeral than a welcoming banquet.

Questions like, 'Why is she with him?' Or 'Why isn't she with the prince? Roamed the already formed groups.

It is generally known etiquette and customary to enter with a fiancé if one was engaged, so Aelia wasn't surprised by the reactions she got.
Not only did she not enter with the Crown prince who is known to be her fiancé, she arrived with another man as her escort which had caused the sudden stir.

Some nobles came to greet Aelia, some also asked about her mother.
Their intentions were clear as day, so she cut the conversations short and waited around with Cassis for the ceremony to begin.
Princess Argentie who was now staying in the Imperial Palace due to formality also joined them.

"Welcoming His Imperial Majesty Emperor Darius the shining sun lord of the empire and Her Imperial Majesty Empress Cecilia bright moon and guardian of the empire."

Everyone in the hall bowed deeply towards the entrance and the most important figures entered. The two rulers walked alongside each other and straight towards Aelia as they were greeted skilfully.

"You become more beautiful and splendid every time I see you, my daughter-in-law."
The emperor happily complimented Aelia, ignoring Cassis who stood right beside her.

"Thank you Your Majesty it's all thanks to your flourishing reign."

"I heard you had a headache. Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm well, you needn't be worried, Your Majesty."

"I'm glad, however, I haven't seen your mother around, do you happen to know where she is?"
The Emperor asked curiously, his golden eyes burned with unknown curiosity.

"The Duchess attended the Academy's entrance ceremony with my sister she'll arrive later in the evening."

"Lady Aelia, it seems you have a different escort today, Aren't you to be attending with Caspian?"
The empress's denigrating and cold blue eyes turned towards Cassis as she spoke.
They were filled with contempt and disdain and were also directed towards Aelia.

Even a fool would have noticed the empress's blatant criticism which targeted Aelia.

Aelia smiled at her petty attempt.
It seemed as if she hadn't been informed of the annulment.

"I'm afraid I didn't receive a request from his Highness, I'm sure he has his reasons."

'Reason being his adulterous ways.'
Aelia kept her thoughts to herself however the sharp empress caught onto her backhanded statement.

The empress and the original Aelia had always been at each other's throats, the reason being Aelia's mother, Duchess Tessia.

Anyone and everyone knows about the tangled love triangle between the Emperor, the previous Duke, and Duchess Tessia which occurred in their earlier years, they also knew about its ending.

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