Chapter Sixty-Three

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| Aelia's POV |

The curtains open and I blink myself awake. Nora stands before the huge glass window that draws in diffused sunlight.

"I'll draw you your bath Mylady." I simply nod and sit up, stretching my limbs as I gradually lean my body on the head of the bed.

Looking to my sides I find Zade and Zadira cuddled up to me. Their sleeping posture is peaceful and tranquil similar to their soft breaths which fill up the room. Zadira seems to have loosened up. At least yesterday wasn't as bad as her previous episodes.

Unlike her prior episodes, she did not develop a fever, and even though she had difficulty falling asleep, the trembling gradually subsided. Though we ended up spending a lot of time together, the twins hadn't opened up much about their life before they met me.

It's evident that they faced a trauma-inducing event upon me finding them but pressuring them into confiding in me wasn't the best idea.
I plan on waiting till they feel comfortable to open up. I slowly get up and leave the room as Nora prepares my bath. I didn't have to walk for long since where Cassis was staying was nearby. Exactly next door.

Opening the door I entered the luxuriously decorated room that was almost as big as my suite. It was dark as well as chilly as I walked in further.

On each side of the room were two beds. Dean and Cassis shared this room. Dean's snores echoed through the room as I approached Cassis's sleeping body. I gently sat at his bedside and watched as he inhaled softly. His messy raven hair fell over his eyes and his pale collar bones were bare and exposed.

I couldn't help but fiddle with his hair which blended perfectly with the dark. It was then I felt a grip on my wrist. Bright sapphire eyes stared entrancingly. With that, I felt my heart flutter. Cassis had the perfect shade of blue. It was the type that captivates and traps you in a utopia at sea.

His grip on my wrist loosened and his fingers intertwined with mine. His warm touch grazed my skin as he kept his eyes on me. Bringing my hand to his lips he placed a kiss on its surface. Despite the lack of light, the shade of rose on my face brought a grin upon his face.

My skin tingles and I almost forgot my purpose in coming here.   I wonder how such small actions manage to have such intense impacts on me.

"We're leaving today, you should get ready." I said after managing to calm my racing heart. Cassis sat up on his bed and found a firm grip on my waist. He pulled me against his body, his scent flooding my senses. My lips grew wet and my eyes were blurred and cloudy. Without a word, he began drowning my neck in kisses.

The tip of his hair tickles my skin and his inaudible words resemble my name. His wet lips move lower past my collarbones to the V-line on my chest. I tried to contain a gasp however I couldn't stifle the hot breaths that left my mouth. His hands search under my nightgown and I'm on cloud nine.

Though I would like to trap myself in the moment, this was neither the time nor the place. Grabbing his chin, his soft lips left my body and his blue eyes reflected my greys. A look of confusion plagued his face and I silently gestured to a snoring Dean, who hadn't moved an inch after my arrival.

Cassis notices his roommate and takes a deep sigh. I grab the black silk robe that lies on the other side of the bed and hand it over. After what felt like several years of silent back and forths,  Cassis puts on his black silk robe and dejectedly leaves for the bathroom and I for my room.

Opening the door to find that Nora had already left, I immediately left for the bath. The sweet scent of fresh freesia drew me in and I drowned myself under the warm surface. My mind cools down and I drive out any thoughts that could cause me discomfort.

After what felt like forever I finally got out of the bathroom only to find my room being sorted and different gown choices on the bed. I idly  sat at the dresser and watched as Nora and the others approached me.

The options were sophisticated yet not too extravagant. From the plum gown with a velvet train to the blush pink gown with ruffles, my options were quite varied. Despite the tempting choices I decided to go for what wasn't even an option.

"Nora, can you bring out my formal uniform?" The maids stared blankly at each other as Nora went back into the closet without a word. As a woman, It was unusual to wear a formal uniform to greet the imperial family even as a delegate.

Though it wasn't against any rules, women tended to greet the imperials in flashy gowns which boast femininity.

However after what happened yesterday I wasn't going to let myself get looked down upon again. Not from Caspain or anyone else.

"Whatever spell she has on him it must be very strong."
Cassis said as he watched Caspian who was attached to his lover's hip.

"That's just the heroine's inevitable head-turning beauty trope." I answered barely paying mind to the usual degrading stares I got from Caspian's delegation.

Though I can say that I'm lucky enough he didn't go on a rampage and chop off my head queen of hearts style. As the saying goes, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Thinking about the much more gruesome consequences I could have ended up with, the petty stares gradually lost their value to me.

Saying our goodbyes to the King and Queen our delegation which was now joined by Argentie, Nicholas, and his wife Delilah rode north toward the Capital.


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