Chapter Twenty-Two

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"What happened in here?"
Aelia who was looking around finally met eyes with the two trouble makers.

They both dropped their gazes and stared at the marble floor which was now dinted with dark marks.

"My experiment went wrong after I told Adrien to pour in the wrong potion."
Esterlina fessed up as she fiddled with her tiny fingers. Adrien just avoided his uncle's gaze.

"I'm sorry Lia..."

"Don't look so down, I'm not mad at you I just don't want you guys doing dangerous experiments and explosions without adult supervision. You could really get hurt."

"You're also both going to the academy soon soo I won't always be there to help you or look out for you. You guys should learn how to take care of yourselves."

She crouched down next to her sister and started wiping the dirt off her face with a handkerchief. Cassis then used a cleansing spell on both of them.

"We'll be more careful next and we'll make sure to be supervised by adults."
Adrien the responsible one out of the two answered.

'If he's going to be by her side at the academy I don't think I'll have to worry much about her.'
Aelia thought to herself as she smiled gently at Esterlina who was pouting at Adrien.

Adrien decided to stay with Cassis after they came back and Aelia thought it was a good idea since Esterlina and the kids would have a new play buddy.

'In the novel, Esterlina grew up lonely and isolated from her peers which made me worry, however now that she was able to bond with Adrien I'm a bit relieved.'
Aelia sighed as she gently smiled.

Both of the ten-year-olds had  grown fond of each other and both express themselves more when around each other.

'I've started to notice that Esterlina wasn't that shy and naive kind of girl after meeting Adrien.'

"If you guys are fine I'll be on my way now."

"Are you visiting mother?"
Sparks appeared in her eyes as Esterlina asked.

"Could you pass on the flowers I picked today?"

"You can come with me if you want to Slyv."

"No need I better get cleaned up."

"Then I'll make sure mother receives them."

And without another word Cassis and Aelia left the labour to the ten-year-olds who started cleaning up their mess.


"You shouldn't munch on all the macaroons, leave some for Tessia."

"Dwid I ewver tell you your baking and cooking is delischious?"
With his mouth stuffed Cassis who forgot how to swallow spoke with excitement in his eyes.

"Slow down no one is going steal them from you."
Aelia stepped into the teleportation circle and assured Cassis.

After the two-minute ride which felt like hell to a certain someone, Aelia and Cassis arrived on the seventh floor of the Magic Tower.

'How is he so unfazed?'
A pale face asked herself as the nonchalant guy who stood beside her kept popping sweets into his mouth without a care in the world.



The blonde knocked on the white mahogany door.

"Come in."
A nonchalant voice came from the other side.

"It's me mother."
Aelia went in carrying flowers and Cassis followed behind with a picnic basket.

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