Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The warmth of the thick comforter collided with the harsh winter weather. The winter sun trickled through the dark curtains awaking Aelia from her slumber.

Sensitive to the blinding ray of light she squinted her eyes and turned to the side. The realisation finally hit her as those grey eyes focused on the man who lay next to her.

The sound of his soft breaths somehow mesmerised her, his soft lips perched perfectly as he lay on his side facing her. He looked peaceful as his defenceless body relaxed in her presence.

Despite his exhausted expression Aelia could only focus on his concrete jaw and imperious nose. She couldn't help but run her fingers through his well groomed hair which was the purest shade of black.

Aelia always found herself immersed with his silky thin strands. With memories of the previous night still plaguing her subconscious she gazed more intensively.

Clouded eyes found their way to the red marks adorning his neck, ear lobe and shoulder. A thumb traced her neck which happened to have similar marks.

"You're awake."

She said as his thumb kept caressing her slightly bruised skin.
Cassis's eyes concentrated on the trail of red and purple he left on her porcelain skin.

"Does it hurt?"

Worried eyes fixedly stared at her and his broad naked shoulders shrunk.
Aelia wondered if he knew that she felt quite the opposite.

She decided to keep her rapturous thoughts to herself.

"We didn't go far enough for it to hurt."

Her head was placed on her knees as she spoke.

Vivid memories of the night before began to flood his head at her words.
The recollection of him passing out as soon as they got on the bed sent loud sirens right up to his limbic system.

Heat rose to his face, neck and ears. At that moment Cassis wished for the ground to open up and swallow him. He couldn't stand the embarrassment.

Aelia burst out in an unrestrained laughter, she struggled holding herself back as his pupils wavered and his fingers twitched.

The worry in his eyes began to fade and he rolled his eyes

"Mylady i'm coming in."
Nora's energetic voice rang from beyond the huge white door.

Aelia thought as she glanced at Cassis's perfectly sculpted half naked body.
The situation they were in looked very questionable.

Without a second thought she pushed him off the bed.


He muttered as his back hit the hard marble flooring.

"Hide! Under the bed now."

Aelia whispered, enough for Cassis to hear.

"But I can just use my-"

Cassis was cut off by a shove. His whole body was shoved under the bed.

"Mylady we have to get you ready, the competition is in a few hours."

"Ah yes."

Aelia answered hesitantly, adjusting her navy blue silk robe.

"Mylady, your he-, erh nevermind."

Her blue eyes wandered on Aelia's marked neck.

'Shit she knows.'
"Are you okay?"

"Aside from the fact that you nearly fractured my neck, I couldn't be any better."

A sarcastic whisper flew into Aelia's ear when he leaned in.

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