Chapter Seventeen

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Looking back at the villa, it started to turn into a dot as the carriage rode further.

Its inside had a silent but peaceful atmosphere.
Esterlina was reading a book and Zadira was calmly sleeping on her lap.

On the other hand, Cassis was feeding Zade who was also on his lap.

I just silently observed the view outside of the window.
The meadow with varieties of grains such as sheaves of wheat or pearl millets was satisfying to look at.
Knowing the Duchy was flourishing and was at its peak brought an unknown sense of calm to my mind.

The carriage was comfortable, due to it being made out of mana stones.
Unlike normal carriages, mana stone carriages can be ridden without horses or manpower.
You can adjust the temperature any time and the rattling sound of the wheels cannot be heard.
It's also perfect for people with motion sickness since it's designed to smoothen all pathways.

Although mana stone carriages are undeniably beneficial, their costs skyrocket since mana stones are rare in the Zeiran empire.
Their purchases are limited even to the nobility.
That's how precious they are.

However, Tessia who is the mistress of the Magic Tower had unlimited access to mana stones.
Due to her astounding competence in negotiating she was able to purchase a huge amount of mana stone mines.
Her inventions and capability as a mage also helped in thriving the very successful Magic Tower.

Even without those privileges, her rank alone as a Duchess and former heir to a marquisate would allow her to afford at least ten mana carriages.

'She's really amazing.'

Thinking back on Tessia's accomplishments made me realize how impressive she was.
Not only was she capable of running multiple efficient businesses,
she still manages to auspiciously maintain the duchy and the Magic Tower.
Talk about multi-tasking.

Now that I think about it,
she would probably be one of those CEOs if we were in London, like the CEO of Barclays, Lattpad, or Cocoapage.
The thought alone made me giggle because of how realistic it seemed.

"What are you giggling about?"
Cassis who was patting the now sleeping Zade raised a question.

"Don't you think Tessia would be like one of those well-known CEOs if she was in England?"

"She probably would, I could imagine her being on the cover of Forbes or Elle."

"Or her getting invited to an interview on This Morning!"

"I can already smell her posh accent from a mile away!"



We both broke into laughter after his last sentence.

"Shh, they're sleeping!"
After coming back to my senses I reprimanded Cassis who turned to look at the snoozing youngsters averaging ages five to ten.

After silently laughing for a while we quietly continued our conversation as the carriage finally exited the Lian Duchy.

'Having someone to talk to like this really is the best.'
With my chin on my palm, I gazed towards Cassis who was blabbering about a new shounen manga he started reading.

'With my chin on my palm, I gazed towards Cassis who was blabbering about a new shounen manga he started reading

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Beyond the Duchy was a vast wilderness with tall trees and huge wild berry bushes.

Opening the window, the fresh scent of nature,  rain, and wet tree trunks instantly hit me.

I closed my eyes and let the calm atmosphere sink in.

It was then that the carriage suddenly stopped.

Outside stood a group of poorly dressed men with shabby appearances and weapons.
I instinctively asked Cassis to put a protective barrier around both carriages but he seemed to have moved faster.

"You should stay here and keep an eye on the children."
I nodded as he exited the carriage.

Unlike the warm expression, he always showed me,
his gaze towards the bandits was frigid and sharp. He also didn't bother to erase his menacing aura.

Even though the bandits felt an unapproachable air coming from him they ignored the ominous signs and foolishly proceeded with their provocations.

"My my who do we have here?"

"Seems to be some foolish young master who thinks too highly of his skills."

"You have guts coming out unaccompanied."

"Do us a favour and just empty your pockets, add in some of your valuables and we'll think about sparing your lives."

Their mocking tone was irritating to listen to.
Judging by their reaction they seem to assume that Cassis was a weak defenseless noble son they could rob.
They ruled him for a wealthy individual since he could afford to ride in a mana carriage.

But they were wrong, he was far from weak.

"How noisy."
He said caressing the back of his neck.

I clicked my tongue at their foolish misjudgment.
Mistakes like these can cost lives.

'I hope he goes easy on them.'

Opening my window I said,

"Don't overdo it."

He shot me a grin before charging at them.
Drawing his sword he started attacking their weak points one at a time.



"Hel- AHH!!"

'Ouch, that must have hurt.'
I silently pitied the man who got knocked out from behind.

Cassis swiftly moved like the wind as he effortlessly took down all the thieves.


"Please please spare me!"
The last standing bandit suddenly dropped to his knees after watching his subordinates get obliterated.

'Shit those dumbasses said it would be as easy as taking candy from a baby but he's here taking us down like some demon king.'

He trembled as he smashed his forehead into the dirt.

"Shut up."
Cassis muttered under his breath.
He disgustingly looked upon the spineless man.
Then proceeded to send him out with one blow.

"Your orders?"

"Just tie them up."


Clora and the others hurriedly came out of their carriage after the protection barrier was lifted.

I briefly informed them about the incident and reassured them.

Dean barely held back Nora who was about to pounce on the now unconscious robbers.

Clora and Emrys assisted Cassis in tying up the robbers.

I turned my gaze towards the three children who were able to sleep through all that commotion.

The journey shortly continued after everything was sorted out.

We made our way to the nearest lodging we could reside in for the night.

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