Chapter Sixty-Eight

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It was a beautiful dress. A stunning work of art. From the intricate embroidery to the lilac hue that captured the essence of sophistication femininity and youthfulness. Chloette twirled and spun. Her face full of smiles which highlighted her dahlia dimples.

The ruffles and laces created a sense and movement, as if the dress was alive and dancing on its own. In this moment she embodied innocence. She was nothing but pure, just as she was supposed to be. She is the main heroine after all. Jealousy was far from the word that would describe me right now. I was livid.

Chloette stood there prim and proper. An ethereal beauty in a show-stopping dress. The only imperfection about this scenario would be that the dress was an exact copy of mine. Same design, same colour palette and even the same seamstress. The very same seamstress sat before Chloette and showered her with compliments. It was to say that the sense of betrayal cut deep. Now without a dress to the wedding that was tomorrow, I was left in the hallway without a clue about what to do now.

"I'm sure well find another dress."Nora said not sounding too sure of her proclamation.

"For now let's head on to the festival. There is one at the city square. I'll make sure to get you the finest skewers in the whole of Laurent." A smile formed on my face. I appreciated Nora's attempt to cheer me up.

However I can't think of anything that could make this situation better. We put on our cloaks and snuck our way out of the castle.

The festival was a celebration of life and joy, and it was evident in every aspect of the event. The citizens had been preparing for weeks, and it showed in the meticulous decorations that adorned every street and building. The banners and streamers were made of the finest materials, and they were arranged in intricate patterns that dazzled the eye. The colours were so vibrant and bright that it felt like the entire city was alive with energy and excitement.

The food was another highlight of the festival. The scent of roasted meats and pastries filled the air, and it was impossible to resist the temptation of trying everything that was on offer. There were vendors selling all kinds of delicious treats, from savory sausages to sweet cakes and pies. The aroma of spices and herbs wafted through the air, and it was a feast for the senses.

The music was another integral part of the festival. There were musicians playing traditional instruments, and the sound of their music was infectious. People danced in the streets, and it was impossible not to get caught up in the rhythm and energy of the music. Even those who didn't know how to dance found themselves moving to the beat, and it was a beautiful sight to behold.

The children were having a blast as well. They ran around playing games and chasing each other, and their laughter filled the air. There were games of all kinds, from simple races to more complex challenges that required skill and strategy. The children were dressed in their finest clothes as well, and they looked like little princes and princesses.

Overall, the festival was a truly magical experience that would be remembered for years to come. It was a celebration of life and joy, and it brought the entire Empire together in a way that was truly special. The atmosphere was electric, and it was impossible not to feel the sense of joy and excitement that permeated the air. It was a truly remarkable event that would be talked about for generations to come.

Cassis and Dean had joined us not too long after I had convinced Clora and her apprentice Joshua to not linger too close around me. They were dressed too formal for me to have them close. Usually Clora would put up a fight with my decision to not have her close, however today she seems more than content. 20 steps behind us they seemed to be having the time of their lives.

Clora was full of subtle smiles, I guess she has been charmed by Joshua's persistence. With Cassis next to me and Nora and Dean at our sides we continued exploring the lively streets of Laurent.

"Elliot you have to try it, it's very delicious!" Said a bright voice from in front of us.

Her bouncy sapphire blue curls were braided into two pigtails which complimented her light blue dirndl. Chloette's pink eyes shimmered as she gazed upon Elliot who gave her a kebab skewer. Her entourage was complete for a typical heroine.

The crown prince, a prodigy mage from the magic tower and finally, a head knight. Th cliche of cliches. I suddenly remember this very scene where Chloette is escorted by the leads to the festival, gets kidnapped after wandering off and is rescued by the overpowered trio because what is a fantasy romance novel without the unending kidnapping trope.

I silently feast on my cotton candy as I observe the calm before the huge storm. It was none of my business and I sure wasn't getting involved in it.

"Get your own." I mentioned as Cassis took a bite of my cotton candy.

"Why would I when you are so happy to share." To that I rolled my eyes.

"The fireworks theyre starting."
A child and his mother brushed passed us as they hurried to the gates of the castle. Laurent's famed fireworks were known to all around the continents.

Without a second thought in mind I grabbed Cassis's hand and dragged him with me. We made it just in time. Time had frozen for us as we stood there. Both looking up at the sky.

The first firework goes off and we stare in awe. My heart races with both joy and excitement. The colours are so vibrant and beautiful. Trully a mesmerising sight. I glance over at Cassis and he's staring up at the sky with a look of wonder on his face. I reach over and take his hand, and he turns to look at me,smiling.

The second firework exploded in a shower of pink, white, gold and silver and I could feel the vibrations in my chest. Cassis leaned in closer to me and I felt a sense of warmth and connection between us.

"They're beautiful." I said, my eyes stuck to the sky.

"Yes trully beautiful." My cheeks were painted rosa as I felt his charming ocean blue eyes pierce my face.

Back in my suite like room back at the palace. I instantly plopped on the bed ready for sleep to knock me out. However the sudden thrust through the door had a different plan for me.

I jerked up, not quite sure what awaited me. I carefully went to the walk-in wardrobe to inspect what was going on.

"Celestia?" I questioned my own eyes. It was the one and only root of all my problems standing right before me.


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