Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The glass chandeliers in the waiting room dangled, reflecting their lights in the cup of berry tea Aelia held in her hand.

She glanced at the reddish liquid in the glazed ceramic teacup which had sharp thorns and blood-red velvet roses as its decoration.

Despite the beverage having a sweet aroma, Aelia only brought it to her lips without taking any sips.

The teacup was elegantly set on its saucer and grey eyes turned to sharp greenish blue eyes which seemed to smile.

"Your Highness, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Her aloofness blended with her formal tone, nonetheless Aelia's already knew that she was everything but welcome.

Aelia smiled however it never reached her eyes.

"How is the Count, by the way, your husband I mean."

The lady with crossed legs wrapped her night robe tighter around her body and her jaw tightened.

Her light piece of clothing exposed all the red marks she received from her previous appointment.

Trails all over her jaw, thighs and neck appeared bright under the chandelier light.

"The Count is on a business trip in Kairo in the southern empire."

The countess was clearly uncomfortable however she still managed to keep a smile on her porcelain face.

"Lady Ivy, have you ever heard of the proverbs you reap what you sow or when preparing for vengeful actions one should dig two graves?"

"I don't quite understand what  Your Highness means."

"Well in your case  you should preferably dig only one grave."

Aelia ignored her pathetic attempt at pretending to be oblivious.

"It's quite funny that you actually thought you could get away with attempted murder, especially since I'm the one  you tried murdering."

Ivy's eyes dilated and her fingers began to quiver.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"You see, normally I would just hand you over to the authorities and deal with you in court, however you are the first to actually provoke me in such a blatant way, I don't think I can let you off that easily."


Aelia stood up and sat next to the trembling countess.

"You've crossed me. Not only did you put my life in danger, but you also put my mother in harm's way, my person.

"The consequences of your delirious actions are my first gifts to you.."

The blonde leaned in closer and whispered closely.

„However what I don't understand is why you would go so far for the empress."

"N-No that's not what hap-"

"Don't even try denying it. Did you really think she would help you if you got caught?"
Aelia's index finger traced the countess's bruised jaw.

"Darling you're just a pawn, a piece that can be disposed of whenever."

Aelia's voice sounded angelic as she spat out those harsh words.

Her eyes reminded Ivy of a blizzard, cold, heavy and dark.

"Here's my first gift."

A complex design violet gadget with an emerald mana stone embedded within it was placed on Ivy's pale palm.

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