Chapter Thirty

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All the Northern Vassals who aided the Duchy were brought up to the Duchess's mansion.

The conference hall was occupied by the leaders who sat in their assigned seats.

Baron Diamant, Baron Chester, and Viscount Jesse sat on the left side on the long table whilst Viscountess Stielle, Count Flamur, and Baron Eden.

The men chatted amongst themselves whilst the viscountess sat silently awaiting the Duchess.

It was then the doors burst open and Aelia's presence was announced.

"Entering, Her Highness Princess Aelia of the Lian Duchy."
Despite it being too exaggerated for her taste formality was a formality.
In formal wear, Aelia stepped into the room with confidence.

The lords and lady were confused since they were expecting Tessia, however, they still bowed and greeted her.

"Welcome Lords and Lady, I'll be leading today's council meeting as wishes of Her Grace the Duchess."

"You may all sit."
Her stern voice didn't even give them a chance to retaliate, however, Baron Eden was much more stubborn than she expected.

"Forgive me if I'm being rude your highness, but isn't it a bit too early for you to be handling such important matters? It would be wiser to focus on your engagement to His Highness the Crown Prince. You should let the adults take care of this it may be a bit too hard on you."

The other men all nodded as if already agreeing to his nonsense.

"Yes, he's right your highness."
Like a flock of parrots, they all followed after his word.
All of them grinned confidently, they probably expected Aelia to shrink and yield to their backhanded advice.

A scoff escaped her lips.
"I see you're all comfortable whilst undermining Her Grace's instructions?"

Everyone who sat at the table flinched, they were taken aback.

"I'm afraid my intentions have bee-"
Baron Eden spoke up still standing his ground.

"Have the Duchess's orders always been taken so lightly, or are you all underestimating my capability as the future heir to this Duchy?" emphasis on the word orders.

"Your Highness?!-"

"You speak when you're spoken to Baron Eden. Don't ever interrupt me when I'm speaking."
The Baron felt ominous chills down his spine as he was shot down by the sixteen-year-old.

"Do you have any objections or can we continue with the agenda?"

"We have no objections Your Highness, please continue."
They all glanced at the calm and collected viscountess. However, her eyes were entirely focused on Aelia.

"Then let's start the most important subject which most of you failed to mention."

"Why is it that my butler was the first to inform me about the kidnapping scandal which is currently plaguing the Duchy."
All the men tensed and started peeking at each other.

"Not only did you fail to report to the Duchess about your duties and responsibilities, but you also dare try to question my authority and competence? Quite ironic don't you think gentlemen?"
Her tone was menacingly cold and distant as she spoke to the old geezers.

'Bloody hell? Since when was she so vicious?!'
Baron Eden shook as he felt Aelia's dangerous glare.

"Let's cut to the chase since I don't want to waste any more of my precious time, Dean hand them out."
Dean who stood behind Aelia with Cassis and Lord Odell by nodded with an indifferent face.

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