Chapter Fifty-Six

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"Say something

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"Say something." Aelia's eyes prickled with tears as she watched him silently dab her wound with cotton dipped in an ointment. She couldn't bear it anymore. Ever since they left the Auction House he hasn't said a word. She seized his wrist, immobilising him and forcing him to drop the tweezer in his hand.

"At the very least, look me in the eyes and explain to me why you're upset." Aelia urged him while still holding his wrist in her grasp.

"Why am I upset?"
Cassis scoffed in disbelief.

"You want to know why I'm upset, Aelia?" For God's sake, you almost got yourself killed!"

"I'm not upset, I'm beyond livid at your carelessness. It was reckless to go in there and you knew that!"
Cassis grimaced whilst speaking.

"So what? I should have just left them to die?!"
"Are you even hearing yourself?!"
A loud noise was heard as she stood up, she had knocked over the tray filled with first-aid equipment.

"Do you know how heartless you sound right now?"

"So I'm heartless for putting your safety as my priority?"
A slight tone of mockery mixed in his voice.

"It's always that with you, the same justification you make for babying me. I can fend for myself!"

"Yes, of course, we saw that when that brute held a blade to your throat. A very good display of self-defense indeed"
His eye roll and sarcasm only stirred her up more.

"So what, who even cares, at least I could save those girls from their death."
Aelia's grey eyes darkened as she spoke.

"How heroic of you Aelia."
He made sure to taunt her with his ridicule.

"I care Aelia! Do you know how easily he could have slit your throat?!"

"Then. Stop. Caring."
Cassis felt a finger of nausea poke his chest after each word. She was now close, way too close for his liking and close enough to see the anger in his crystal blue eyes. Her nail dug into his pale skin as they locked eyes keeping contact. Her eyes were ablaze as she returned the contempt. Their tension was undeniable, especially since the silence grew as both parties remained unyielding.

Cassis then grabbed her jaw causing her to dig her nail deeper. A frown fell to her face as he swept his thumb over her lip, grazing the soft contour of her mouth.
Pulling her closer he could clearly see her eyes under the moonlight. Those grey eyes were stirred with all kinds of emotions. Anger, frustration and lastly desire. Their tongues intertwined immediately after Aelia parted her lips letting him in. She felt like a feather as he swept her off her feet and sat her down.

Their bodies heatedly pressed together against the vanity table, Aelia hitting her back on the mirror and moaning in his mouth at the same time. She could taste their shared breath, feel the thud of their combined heartbeat and the strong scent of lavender in his cologne.

He then bit her underlip before tracing her neckline, leaving bright red marks whilst at it. Warmth overwhelmed her body. A combination of the adrenaline and the fast movements Cassis had made to attain that proximity contributed to that. Her hands fumbled to take his shirt off, almost tearing the material at her pace as she slid it down his broad shoulders.

A flushed face looked down at her as her fingers unbuckled his belt. Loose from the unfastened button his black pants dropped to his ankles. Nonchalance overtook her face as they met eyes. After playfully fiddling with his tip, she slid her hand up and down his warm erection, earning a yelp from him as he jolted.

His moans were like music to her ears. Her movements were calculated, she jerked her hand faster, adjusting her tempo to his sharp breaths, a technique that granted him the ultimate pleasure. Cassis could feel his climax nearing, it was practically knocking at the door.

Right when he was at his edge, she stopped touching him and withdrew her hand. As if jolted back to reality he opened his eyes and gasped.

"Finish yourself off."

Her cold voice tauntingly echoed in his ears and the smirk lurking on her face wasn't blurred anymore. He glared at her, cheeks flushed from heat and the denied orgasm.

Resembling lightning, he grabbed her waist and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

The blonde strands of curls dropped onto his naked shoulders as he held her.

Now it was her turn to grab his jaw.

"Say the words."

Her whispers resembled a siren, a lethal temptation he couldn't decline. Even the smug smirk on her soft lips lured him in.

"Please Aelia..."

Aelia felt satisfied with herself, she was certain it was gnawing at him, making him burn and throb. It all reflected in his eyes. She leaned in and kissed him, deep and hard. He felt as if she was sucking his soul out like a grim reaper singling out its prey. Aelia could recognize her own feelings in his eyes, prompting her to kiss him more fiercely. Her back fell to the bed and he towered over her body as she held his neck. The nightgown that hung around her body was torn into shreds by his hands revealing her chest and leaving shreds of silk in between his fingers. Aelia's thighs twitched as he went between them, acquiring him a great view of her porcelain physique.

He slid his hand down her belly all the way down to her warmth. His finger grazed the smooth spot before abruptly entering it. Aelia jolted yet regained her composure. Cassis circled her round area with his thumb, pumping in and out, making the squelching sounds stronger. He slipped another finger into her sensitive spot, and she gasped before gritting her teeth. Her body squeezed around him as a result of his contact.

His pale blue eyes dimmed in response to her reaction. In a blink of an eye, he had slipped himself inside her, leaving her with enlarged eyes and a tight sensation. Thrusting deeper and madly, her whole body shook in the frame of his arms. An enticing explosion of pleasure pounded down on her. He was looking directly into her eyes, her smoky grey into his crystal blue.

She was quivering under him, she couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Let it out."
He said as he rolled his hips.

"Sit back and enjoy it."

Aelia let out passionate moans as she tilted her head back and gripped the sheets tighter.

She felt herself drown in ecstasy as her pleas for him to go harder erupted in the dark room. Their sweaty bodies fit together perfectly as they embraced each other. He craved her warmth and wanted to soak himself in it. Another climax was brewing, the remaining half of the one that had come before. With swift movements, Cassis drew himself out before spewing his hot fluid on her stomach. Hot breaths collided in the air as they paused. Aelia's eyes were firmly shut, struggling to regain her breath. She was completely drenched. This was most likely one of her most intense orgasms. Just as she thought it was over, Cassis moved lower. He ravished her warmth with his tongue, taking in the drops a lick at a time.

Raising his head he smirked at her seductively as the colour white dripped from the corner of his mouth. She dug her fingers farther into his hair, and he spread her legs even more, all while maintaining eye contact. After sucking on her and skillfully flicking his tongue. Aelia felt a chain of orgasms smashing all over again. Cassis couldn't help himself and slumped his body onto hers till she nudged him off. Without a word, she turned to face the opposite of him. Soon after, he pulled her in closer by her waist and buried his nose into her shoulder.
They stayed in that embrace till morning.


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