Extra: How It All Began

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Unlike the other days, today felt unique to Aelia. The sun shone brightly and the summer breeze was fresh and pleasant. There were no worries in sight for her. That was until she remembered it was Lady Waldorf who was to visit. Lady Waldorf her tutor was a strict lady who only educated the prim and proper. She even refused to educate the crown princess because off her cavilling attitude. Nonetheless, though her attitude which demanded excellence was often hard to keep up with, the daughter of Countess Waldorf was unparalleled when it came to the arts of etiquette.

"Mylady it's time." The sentence that always managed to bring a pout to the little princess's face was spoken. Aelia's nanny Delilah was sent to bring her to the study.

"But I want to play with Nora nanny." Her gaze was downcast as she pleaded with her nanny. After rounds of back-to-back arguments, Delilah rose as the victor as Aelia yielded and headed for the study where her lessons on imperial etiquette awaited her.

"You're fifteen minutes late Your Highness." A strict and cold voice filled the silent room as Aelia carefully walked in. Curtsying politely Aelia greeted the Countess and apologised for her tardiness.

"I apologise for my tardiness Lady Waldorf."

"At least you haven't forgotten the form I worked soo hard on teaching you."

A stiff smile fell on Aelia's face, seemingly caused by the criticism of her tardiness that still lingered within Lady Waldorf.
Appearing as the standard stereotype of strict educators, Constantia Waldorf stood tall, her shoulders straight and her raven black hair in a tight slick bun. If the eyes were a window to the soul Constantia's soul would be flaming ruby and frigid. The lady's face was porcelain with features as sharp as an icicle.

"Straight shoulders, chin up, tummy in and mind how you position your feet."

Aelia felt the cane positioning her slumped back as she struggled to keep the stack of books on her head. Her feeble legs shook as she straightened them. Etiquette and dance lessons were her most despised subjects. Aelia managed to contain the glare that spawned on her face, however, Constantia still noticed her student's hostility towards her.

"Maybe if you directed all that hatred towards your motivation we would see some progress." A devilish smirk grew on her face as the ten-year-old's posture turned regal and the books on her head grew steady.

"Let's move on to dance, I hope you've brushed up on the Allemande and Bassadance." Aelia's face dropped and sluggishly moved her body to the ballroom.
"How was class today sweetheart?" Long silky hair flowed down her shoulders as she elegantly sat in the garden. Snow-like strands were curled at their tips and were as porcelain as the duchess's complexion. Flawless was the only word that did the description of the matriarch justice. Even in light summer garments that were far from her usual extravagance, Tessia still pristine, retaining her youth was above and beyond the normal standards of beauty. Aelia's eyes were downcast, her mood deprimented at the mention of the topic. Tessia who caught on called her closer. "We can always hire a new tutor if Lady Waldorf is too hard on you." The princess's expression turned grim at her mother's words.

"No mother you can't do that!" More than Constantia's lessons, Aelia despised the prospect of failing her mother, especially after being admitted to the prestigious Xyrion Academy. Holding her ten-year-old's tiny hands she reassured her that she was proud of her. Soft chubby fingers pinched Aelia's cheeks causing her to giggle. With two pigtails on the sides of her head three-year-old Esterlina who sat on her mother's lap consoled her older sister in her own way.

"What do you think about coming to the Imperial Palace with me, Aelia? Would that cheer you up?" Opposite the Duchess sat her younger brother Marquis Estridsen. Unlike his older sister, the marquis had raven black hair that resembled the night sky and his eyes like those of his sister and Aelia were as bright and grey as the stars that adorned it. His sharp jaw and unblemished face added to his allure. "Sure uncle Ferdinand!"

Putting down his teacup Ferdinand gently ruffled his nieces' blonde hair.

Aelia's first impression of the palace was that it was mystical. It stood tall and the architecture of the historical building reflected finely in the summer sun. Instead of listening to her uncle and sticking close, Aelia wandered off from the crowded space that included nobles and servants of the city of Vernailles.

She surely stumbled upon a garden deep behind the palace grounds.

A lush grass lawn was bordered by opulent shrubs. An ornamental sculpture stood to the right, wrapped in vines as though nature has already seized it. The tiny flowering shrubs were vying for all of the attention in this garden, and they were succeeding to some level; they were like a cloud of colour. The bushes may grow tall but if not halted, they would continue to grow in all directions. A stone road winded around the garden, bringing visitors through it and marking all of the greatest sites.

Vines and grass had yet to creep and worm their way around the garden, most likely because of human interference that however doesn't include the sculpture of the woman which stood at the centre of it all. The piece seemed to be the only item neglected in the overall stunning garden.

What caught Aelia's eye was probably the renowned pond before her. From the crystal blue shade of the water and its tranquil flow to the exotic creatures that splashed and swan in it. It all had the young princess mesmerised, so mesmerised that she stepped closer to admire it. Squatting down she drove her fingers into the warm water and watched as goldfish swarmed sound her fingers. A bit too immersed in her fun Aelia unknowingly leaned in closer causing her to fall into the deep water body. In a state of panic, the young girl flailed her arms in an attempt to break through the surface. As she plunged beneath the pond's surface, the warm water that now felt frigid shocked her system. Her pulse beat and her chest tightened as the icy fist of comprehension squeezed the life from her.

'No one is coming.' The harsh realisation hit her petrified brain as her eyes began to clock out. It was then as all hope was lost she felt a tight grip on her wrist.

Sharp pressure was applied to her chest as she was now out of the water and lying on the comforting grass.

"Are you okay?" A soft boyish voice asked. Aelia's gaze was met with shiny golden pupils that stole rays from the sun and vermillion hair that fluttered in the lovely breeze. Despite having controlled her breath she still couldn't utter a word. So they both just sat there in peaceful silence.

The memorable day in the Elysian Garden would go on to cause both happiness and calamity. A blessing and yet somehow a curse.

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