Chapter Fourty-One

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Self Consciousness is probably one of my best attributes as a person hence deluding and living in oblivion would be the last thing to put myself through,

Whilst others tend to wallow in self pity and drown themselves in what ifs and insecurities, I just observe.

Seeing individuals fall in and out of love, betray their friends, cheat on their spouses, and even betray those as close as family.

Detaching myself from the so-called reality of the oh so pathetic world was much easier than I would personally have it.
As for my personality, I have a lot of them, and to be honest, I'm not sure I'm on the same page with them all.

The dull red liquid swirled in its cup as I gazed towards the melancholic scenery. Droplets of rain splattered against the fine window, the noise bringing me back to a similar yet distinct occurrence.


I could still hear her sweet voice, which had been drowned out by the torrential rain. She pretended to be composed, but I could already hear the agony and hurt in her voice as she ineptly managed to suppress her unsteady breath.

A set of stung  viridian eyes faced my uninterested Payne's grey orbs which followed back to her.

The look she gave me would most likely stay with me till the end; it was that same glance that aroused the deepest and darkest secrets I'd ever had.

Leila had always been a sentimental character. With a golden retriever personality and bright golden locs she exuded an enticing and gleaming radiance.

Leila and I had been close mates throughout primary school, and despite her being too extroverted for my preference, I still kept in touch with her.

Leila was the type most guys wanted to settle down and start a life with and I... I was the one they experimented all their deepest desires with.

It all started when Nicholas came along.
Even Though Leila could have had anyone to her heart's content she had always been fond of Nick.

I'd spend days listening to her talk about him with eyes full of affection and pure adoration, sometimes giving her advice and telling her about how much they suited each other
To say the least she fell hard and her efforts that evolved during primary school finally flourished as we reached secondary school.

Needless to say the pair became highschool sweethearts gaining attention from everyone who was anyone as our school's It couple. Their love was epic to say the least,
at least while it still lasted.

That's where I come into the picture.
Attracting attention especially from the oppoiste sex was as easy as breathing in my case.

So I was almost immediately aware of the glances Nick would occasionally send my way, to which Leila was blissfully oblivious.
From the way his fingertips brushed mine as he helped me pick up my books to the way he tenderly picked up cherry blooms which fell on my head during an outing with Leila and I.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to Nick, but even a smidgeon of interest wasnt enough for me to pursue a relationship with him.
Nonetheless at the end of the day I was just human, a human that coveted things I could not have.

The little voice in me desperately urged me to try it out just as the forbidden fruit in Eden and who was I to not give in?
On a disturbingly rainy day Nick and I had stayed back to arrange books for our book club.

The dismal rain poured down harshly making others who were exposed to it seek shelter.
The outcast sky was filled with grey and gloomy clouds adding to the aesthetic of those dark academia libraries.

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