Chapter Sixteen

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"Tch how boring."

In the corner of the ballroom stood a cyan blue-haired lady.

Her blue eyelashes fluttered as she gazed at the lively ballroom in boredom.

Normally she would be picked on by Klexia and her followers but due to Aelia's actions, she was able to be spared from Klexia's bullying.

'She's different from the rumours.'

Based on the rumours in high society, Aelia was a spoiled brat who shamelessly chases around the indifferent Crown Prince.

However, her altercation with Klexia showed her ability to dominate the twists and turns of aristocratic speaking.

'We might be in the same situation.'

Her waist-length hair shook as she thought about her miserable life.

Tatiana Jean Ophelia also has rumours surrounding her.

Some say she killed her father for his status to get married to a commoner, some also call her a wicked woman who manipulated her father for his money.

In reality, those rumours are far from the truth.

The late Baron Ophelia was known as an honest and kind noble but that was far from the truth.
He was a manipulative father who used his daughter to cover up his incompetence.

Ever since Tatiana debuted at fourteen, she's been responsible for managing the Barony and taking care of its daily needs and budget.
The Baron would just go around and waste the money on alcohol and brothels.

Very soon the Barony fell into debt.

Subsequently, getting tired of the debt collectors the Baron died of alcohol poisoning after drinking himself to sleep.

Even after managing to pay off her father's debt, Tatiana and her husband Gio couldn't build back the Barony to the way it was.

Though she was a noble in name her lifestyle wasn't much different from that of a commoner's, she always had to wonder what she had to do just to get by the day.

After getting an invitation to Klexia's banquet, she was overjoyed since she now had an opportunity to build connections and be able to gain a stable life for her and her beloved,

But arriving at the ballroom her mood dropped after she noticed the nobles avoiding her like the plague.

"Greetings Lady Ophelia."

"I-I  greet Your Highness."

"I feels a bit stuffy in here, would you like to join me for a stroll in the garden?"

Putting aside her nervousness Tatiana nodded her head in agreement and trotted behind Aelia.

Putting aside her nervousness Tatiana nodded her head in agreement and trotted behind Aelia

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"It's peaceful out here isn't it."

Her blonde hair fluttered as she turned towards Tatiana.

'She's really pretty.'

Up close Aelia looked like a fairy queen straight out of the fantasy novels which are famous amongst the commoners.

"Yes, it truly is."

"It is a pity that such talent has been rotting around due to the ignorance of nobles."

Her sudden remark made Tatiana raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"I've heard about your accounting skills and let's say I'm impressed."
A slight blush brought life to Tatiana's pale face.

"You're thinking too highly of me."
She said as she awkwardly looked downwards.

"You underestimate yourself."

Tatiana felt herself tearing up after hearing someone other than her husband compliment her for the first time.

"How about working for me Lady Ophelia, this is the chance you've been waiting for."

Tears finally left her eyes after she finally found a way to turn her life around.


"Are you done?!"

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"Are you done?!"

"Stop whining and let me concentrate."

Currently, Cassis was trying to get my hair into a ponytail.

"Sit still!"
My eyes rolled at his annoyingly strict tone.

"I'm done!"
He looked at me with a proud face.

"It looks ugly."
A frown formed on my face as I looked in the mirror.

"But I guess it'll do since we have to leave now."

With his jaw dropped he silently followed after me, his face looked like he could strangle me any moment however I decided to ignore him.

"We're done, Lia."
Esterlina strutted towards me with the twins in her arms.

With her sky blue Lolita-styled attire, she looked like a fantasy novel protagonist.

Fixing her hat I said,

"Now you look perfect."

After using my honey trap on Tessia, my group and I were allowed to go on a trip to Viridi Terra a city located in the western part of the Zeiran empire.

I disguised our trip with the excuse of taking a rest and relaxing but in reality, Cassis and I are going to head to a hidden Elven village which happens to obtain Ambrosian Luctus a fruit that helps young dragons through their growth phase.

For the twins to strengthen their abilities and go through a less painful transformation obtaining the holy fruits was a must.

Since Viridi Terra doesn't have any teleportation portals near it, we have to go by carriage.

Wearing a white long-sleeved silk shirt I wiped the sweat beads that were caused by the Duchy's warm summer weather with the handkerchief embroidered by Esterlina.

"Here you go."
Cassis who copied my outfit turned on his ice magic as he noticed my discomfort.

"Thank you."

We then watched the servants load our luggage onto the various carriages.

The trip consisted of ten people.

Cassis, Dean, Clora, Nora, Esterlina, Zade, Zadira, Maureen, Emrys, and I.

Cassis, Esterlina, Zade, Zadira, and I shared a carriage and the others shared another.

After checking over our necessities, the five-day ride began.

We relaxed ourselves being unaware of the future occurrences which lay before us.



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