Chapter Sixty-Five

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My right hand was outstretched and my body had moved before  I could speak. Before me sat a man with chestnut brown curls and soft blue-green hidden behind boggled circular glasses. A red blush rose up his neck to his cheeks, his eyes coated with embarrassment. The unknown man hesitantly took hold of my hand and I helped him up.

"Are you okay?"

I knew he wasn't okay but isn't this what is usually asked during situations like this?

His voice was meek as he stuttered whilst saying his thanks. I watched as his shaky eyes barely met mine before he hurriedly picked up a pile of books and rushed out of the library. Forgetting about the semi-weird encounter I went back to browsing the library shelves, looking for something I would spend the evening with.

After what felt like an hour I settled on three books and made my way out of the vacant library. The smart choice would have been to ask first before taking the books, however, it's not like anyone's going to notice if a few books went missing. Finding my room wasn't too difficult, Upon entering the space I was hit with maids scavenging about. In the midst of it all I spotted Nora. She was holding two ballgowns that only meant one thing.

"What's going on?" I asked curiously. Nora's eyes lit up once she heard my voice. That was followed by her dragging me toward the mirror. I dropped the books on the bed and let myself be yanked.

"Her Majesty is throwing a banquet." Excited giggles erupted around me. I wonder what was more fun for Nora, tossing me around me like a Barbie doll or taunting Dean. I would honestly put money on the latter.

Once again I had no say as the usual transformation began


The door to Yves's study shut quietly as I entered. Claire was long gone and it was just me and her in the room. "Long time no see Snowy." Yves grinned, her ocean-coloured eyes laced with humour. Her platinum hair was longer than I remembered and her cheeks were also fuller. "You look happy." I said as I walked over to her desk, popping one of the grapes served before her in my mouth. "Well, I'm getting married in a few days, what's there not to be happy about." Out of everyone I knew, I imagined Yves would be the first to grow old and single. Imagine the shock that traveled through me after she sent me an invitation to the national wedding. Her national wedding! "I'm still processing the shock." I said popping in another grape. "I didn't see your newest conquest around." Yves's smile didn't waver as she asked about Tatia. "Someone sounds jealous." Yves barked into a fit of laughter before calming down. "I'm sure you didn't invite me here to give me relationship advice." "So you're already courting the dancer." Yves's ears perked up. "Quit it. Now get to the point." Anyone else would probably be decapitated for speaking to the empress in such terms nonetheless my perks of being her childhood best friend and future advisor canceled out most of my chances of being executed by the imperial guard. "I'm going to need a report on the Zeiran delegation. You traveled with them and you're my best friend so who better to be my informant?"

"There's not much to say apart from the tension that basically split the delegation into two divisions."

"Tension?" A frown crawled onto Yves's face. I'm guessing her informants haven't really done a good job.

"Well, it started when His Highness annulled his engagement with Lady Aelia."

"They aren't engaged anymore?"  Yves's informants really are incompetent.

"Caspian ordered an annulment a while ago since he wanted to be with his lover."

Yves wrinkled her eyebrows before letting out a soft sigh.

"On a scale from one to ten, how high is the tension?"

"Infinity." Yves's eyes dulled and she let out another sigh.

"What would recommend to prevent any catastrophic clashes?" She beckoned.

After the dinner incident back home all I could tell Yves was to keep them far away from eachother. Aelia from the two and the prince and his tranquilizer should be kept together. After two innocent glasses of Yves's favourite white wine and five rounds of gossiping, I finally left for my room after Zemirah urged me to get dressed. Her tone had alerted me that she and the other maids were ready to send me down the unending spiral of beautification.


The sound of animated small talk and soft classical music came from the arching doorway. Looking around the ballroom I was mesmerised by its capacity and how many guests had flooded the room. The herald at the door called out our titles as we waltzed in. Guest from all over the north, south, east, and west were here.

After spotting Argentie in her Persian green cocktail dress and silver updo, I headed straight to her.

"Isn't that Izara from year one?" Argentie asked, referring to one of our classmates from our days at Xyrion. "I just saw Gia and Seonie around too." I answered. "This banquet is huge." "That's an imperial wedding for you." Argentie said chugging down a glass of the most expensive champagne in all four continents. The clinking of glasses drew our attention toward the middle of the ballroom. In an elegant and sophisticated golden silk dress stood the empress dowager Diana Fleuria Laurent. Golden locks of blonde hair flew behind her and on her forehead was a diamond headpiece probably worth more than could be imagined. Empress Dowager Diana had a benevolent yet disciplined aura to her. her gaze was soft as she looked upon us.

"Distinguished guests it's an honour for me to invite you all to this glorious event."

"It isn't every day your first daughter gets married." Diana said followed by a loving gaze with a hint of pride.

"As most of you know after Her Majesty's coronation I really had my worries about finding her a suitor, someone capable of assisting her through her reign and supporting her by being a pillar for her and the empire."

"Finding such a person doesn't come by easily and an arranged marriage wasn't even an option for the empress." Yves who stood next to her mother rolled her eyes swirling her glass.

"Finally we decided on using our resources to find her perfect suitor."

"The Electio was the first to ever happen to give an opportunity to anyone of any caste to be the Emperor consort." Now I was intrigued.

"After several weeks with 20 contestants from all castes from across the empire, Yves finally found her perfect groom."

"His Majesty Emperor Consort Elion Johan Laurent." I was a bit shocked, to say the least. There he was. His brown hair as common as they come and yet here he was. Standing before me as the emperor consort of the Laurent empire. Unlike the awkward posture and scrawny appearance he had in the library, he was unrecognisable. Elion stood as tall as a tree and he had gotten rid of the geeky glasses. Also, his aura alone reflected more confidence and sophistication. Standing next to Yves they complimented eachother well.

"A toast to them and to a flourishing future for our Empire." at the lead of the Empress dowager everyone in the room lifted their glasses. At the time I couldn't even feel the liquid drip through my hair. I only saw Cassis place a hand on the hilt of his sword and in the corner of my eye a redhead tipping a glass over my head.

Gasps erupted before I could process what had happened.


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