Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Countless sets of suitcases and other forms of luggage were loaded upon the carriages lined up in front of the estate. It was a sunny day. Bright white clouds adorned the sky and the breeze was as fresh as a summer wave. Despite her dreading the trip, she knew that it was something that needed to be done. Blonde hair which was finely collected into a ponytail fluttered behind her back, some strands slightly colliding with the navy blue cloak with gold embroidery draped on her left shoulder. Under the cloak she wore an official uniform as the representative of the Duchy. It consisted of a blue tunic of a similar shade and golden epaulettes only visible on her left shoulder. Her tight-fitted ebony slacks were tucked into black velvet boots which were comfortable for the long ride. Aelia noticed new faces as she watched the servants go in and out of the estate. Tessia had sent nearly all her staff to help Aelia get ready for the delegation.

"Greetings your highness." A man probably in his early twenties greeted Aelia with his knee bent. His attire was of the Duchy's knights meaning he had come from the main mansion. His slicked-back blond hair appeared knightley, mature and sophisticated however it only contradicted his adolescent facial structure and his big bright forest-green eyes.

"Joshua Crsy appointed by Sir Peruvian as your highness's escort to the Laurent Empire." At his ecstatic introduction, Aelia could tell he was new and enthused. Although she couldn't guess his abilities, Aelia trusted the Captain of the Duchy's guard's judgement. Nora who had strolled to her side and sent over a questioning expression asking who the new knight was.

"Your father sent him." Aelia whispered in her ear, leaving her to form an o with her mouth.

"Mylady. The horses are ready, we'll depart at your order."

Upon hearing Clora's voice Joshua reacted faster than Aelia could speak. With his head bowed and his ears flushed he greeted Clora.

"G-Greetings Sir Clora." He somehow managed to utter that sentence.

Clora acknowledged him before asking him to speak comfortably since they were now subordinates to which he nodded vigorously. Nora and Aelia glanced at each other in confusion before grinning at Clora in realisation.

Since all preparations were finished Aelia climbed into the carriage, and in due time they left the estate and headed for the imperial palace.
Unlike Aelia's minimalistic entourage, Caspian was accompanied by innumerable manservants and half of the imperial guard.

After Aelia's carriage halted in front of the palace, Aelia with the help of Clora climbed out of it and was followed by Cassis.

The scene before her barely kept her from scoffing. It was as ridiculous and cliche as they came. Maybe it was due to not seeing the main characters in a while, however, the irking feeling that settled within her felt unfamiliar.

Amidst the shuffling maids stood the main cast of Preciously Yours.

Chloette, as always, stood in the centre of all attention with her bouncy serenity-blue hair identical to the sky and her angelic blush pink eyes which glistened with purity. Caspian whose golden eyes were glued to her stood on her left and tenderly caressed her unblemished cheek.

A mix of agony and affection plagued Elliot's face as he stood at the opposite side and observed his cousin's new fiancee. Unlike the two, Chaster Drystan who was yet to be bewitched stood behind them and gazed nonchalantly until his eyes found themselves on one of the maid's behind.

Although annoyed by the overused plotline of the third-rate novel she possessed, Aelia let out a sigh after realising the storyline was still steady on its course despite the alterations she implemented.

Swallowing her pride she dreadfully went up to them and politely greeted the crown prince.

Maintaining a regal gait, Aelia curtsied with her left hand on her chest. Cassis behind her did the same. Caspian only acknowledged Aelia's presence after the shift in Chloette's bashful expression.

"What's wrong my love? You look pale." The prince worriedly asked as her small face blanched and her fingers trembled upon laying eyes on Aelia. The occurrence didn't go past Elliot and he began staring daggers at Aelia. Caspian who caught onto it glared at his ex and clicked his tongue in disgust. Caspian wrapped Chloette in his broad arms and was ready to reprimand Aelia on baseless grounds. Before he could open her mouth she had already left and was engaged in a conversation with the Emperor's secretary Sir Safia.

Not wanting to fuel the confrontation any longer Aelia had  removed herself from the preposterous encounter.

"His majesty sends his apologies for not being here to greet you, lady Aelia. He has been quite busy lately." Bisque-brown hair which was well-coiffed bent beautifully at its ends and the well groomed strands were tucked under a brownish grey headband as her anthracite eyes bent like her smile. Sir Safia had always been friendly and polite to Aelia, even neutral when it came to her situations with the imperial family. Thus Aelia preferred talking to her than the prince.

She had acquired a file through Safia to which she gave her thanks.

Ignoring the dirty looks and snarky comments Caspian's entourage muttered under their breaths, Aelia headed for her carriage. Entering the warm and spacious vehicle Aelia flipped through the file given by his majesty's secretary. She had already known that she was expected to deliver a report to the emperor after the delegation, however she didn't expect to receive information from the emperor. It was everything she needed to know about the Laurent Empire. From the important aristocrats to  the history, culture, political structure, and current political affairs of the North. Despite already receiving some insight from Dean, Safia's research was much more detailed and comprehensive.

As it seems the Empress and her partner had been engaged for 2 years and they decided to finally tie the knot. Unlike usual marital traditions where imperial families form alliances with their high ranking aristocrats through marriage, the Laurent imperial house holds a selection to determine suitors for their heirs. Eligible and ineligible bachelors from all over the north were hand picked by the empress dowager and sent to the palace for three weeks after the new empress's coronation on her twentieth birthday. Following the time period, she chose her groom and the wedding preparations began.

Aelia absorbed in all the information she could as fast as she could since she would soon be encouteringthe people in question.

Shortly after the sounds of horses neighing and the imperial guards voice alerted her that they would be departing. Making herself comfortable on the soft cushion she rested her head on Cassis's laps and opened a book she had on standby.


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