Chapter Fifty-Three

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The last time Aelia spoke to the Emperor was before Caspian boldly announced their annulment to the whole Empire and introduced his lover as his new fiancee.Aelia guessed that he was busy, especially after the stunt his demented son decided to pull.

Normally he would have already reached out to her much sooner.

Without even looking at the scroll that Nora handed Aelia, Aelia could instantly see what Emperor Darius sought from her.

Despite knowing how deranged and unhinged his son is, the Emperor had always advocated for the union between Aelia and Caspian. Since that very day, Aelia laid her eyes on him and decided she wanted to devote the rest of her life to him.

Just like Tessia he also indulged in her fascination with Caspian which posed one of the main factors of her long-awaited execution.

Meaning the emperor is definitely going to act as the middle-man in the situation to try and get Caspian and Aelia back together.

Aelia sighed as she opened the letter.

She scanned through the piece of paper soiled with ink.

'It's the Emperor's handwriting.' She thought to herself, usually, he would let his secretary Lord Iker compose his letters.

She didn't know what was worse, the fact that she was spot on or that she now had to deal with something bothersome.

'Dear Aelia,

I know I should have reached out sooner, however, there were a lot of duties I had to get done and there just wasn't enough time to sort out the whole situation.

I would like to formally invite you for a chat in the palace.

There is something important I would like to share with you. Keep in mind that I'm not inviting you as the Prince's fiancee but rather as the heir to House Lian so don't feel too burdened. I'm looking forward to seeing you Aelia, I'll have them prepare your favourite butter scones.

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Darius Alexander Cyrus Of Zeiran.'

Aelia slumped into the couch in her study, visibly exhausted from the day.

Despite dreading going back to the Imperial palace, it was coincidental, considering she had to go back to the capital anyways.

According to the letter she retrieved from the Morningstar Guild, the Red Camellia and Morningstar Guild are meeting up at the Rollo Auction house in five days for a transaction.

Aelia needed as much information as she could get her hands on and ambushing her enemies without them having any clue of her existence as a threat was her best shot.

"Despite wanting to live a quiet life, I keep getting tangled in troublesome things."

Her piercing grey eyes could see her serene, placid life slipping away in front of them.

She sunk deeper into the soft feathered couch, slowly drifting off into an unconscious state.

"Aelia you should get some res-"

Cassis into the study. His eyes immediately fell on Aelia who lay on the white couch. Her soft breaths travelled through the room and Cassis noticed her chest gently rise and drop.

He took a seat beside Aelia's peaceful body. His hand moved reflexively as he brushed away strands of her pale golden hair from her flawless face.

Gently picking her up in his strong arms, he entered her bedroom and lightly placed her on her bed.

On his way out Cassis dimmed the mana stones that aided as lamps and light bulbs, it was just as Aelia liked it.

On his way out Cassis dimmed the mana stones that aided as lamps and light bulbs, it was just as Aelia liked it

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