Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Please spare a coin miss."

Ten gold coins were placed on the old lady's wooden plate.

"Thank you!! Mylady."
She bowed her head vigorously as her eyes teared up.

'The situation is much worse than I thought.'
Both Cassis and Aelia shared the same thoughts after arriving at Baron Eden's fief.

It was terrible, the stench of rotten food and a foul odour was in the air.

The majority of the people lay with lifeless dull eyes whilst the others went against each other for even the littlest crumb of bread.

A depressing atmosphere to say the least.

The hooded figures walked through a path made by a chain of rundown houses and unsophisticated tents.

"I wonder how long that bastard was able to get away with this."

Aelia didn't bother to answer his question she just blankly stared at the unsightly scene before her.

It was all distressing to her, knowing that she could have helped these people sooner if she wasn't blissfully ignorant.

She blamed herself.

Maybe she missed something whilst reading the novel, if only she didn't have a forgetful memory, she could have double-checked the vassals earlier, she should have listened to her gut feeling.

Those were the thoughts that intensively clashed with and bombarded her conscious.

She hated this feeling of helplessness, truthfully it was tiring, nonetheless, it couldn't be compared to the oppression the people around her had to face. It couldn't even amount to the slightest.

Despite the harsh reality of poverty, these people hadn't given up and are still clinging to a thin rope of hope.

After all her efforts to fix the wrongdoings, she couldn't be intimidated by such an obstacle.

The word intimidation wasn't in her vocabulary.

"Are you okay?"
In a worried tone, Cassis tried to make sure she was doing alright.

"I'll be fine once we get rid of those bastards."

"I couldn't agree more."
It seemed like they were overtaken by their original roles as villains since the atmosphere around them became chilling and fatal.

A storm was coming, although sinister and ominous, it was befitting of the situation.
As if a sign foreshadowing the fate of the enemy.


'Shameless people really do know no bounds to their shamelessness.'
Aelia could only envision those words as she faced Baron Eden's ridiculously enormous mansion.

A good amount of knights were posted in front of gates, so the security seemed tough to get through.

"Can you teleport us into the building?"

"It only works if I've been to the desired destination before, so no."

"Should we knock them out?"
Cassis raised a brow at her violent way of solving complications.

"No need just hold on tight."

Holding her waist in a firm grip, he brought her closer to his well-defined chest and they were both able to cross over the wall with a lightness flight spell.

"How did they not see- oh."
She didn't contemplate any further as her brain had already started to process what just happened.

"We should go now."

"And where exactly are we headed to?"

"I can feel a lot of energy from the cellar."
He grasped her hand tightly as they rushed underground.

"It's locked."
After a few tries of trying to open the shabby wooden door, Aelia came to the conclusion that it wouldn't budge.

"Should we kick it down?"

"Once again your violent suggestion can be put aside."
A sound of tongue clicking was heard from Aelia as Cassis sarcastically rejected her proposal.


With just a flick of his fingers, the door was unlocked. Just like that.

"So you could've done that from the beginning."

"Watching you struggle is surprisingly pleasurable."

"So you're a sadist?"

"What kind of switch in your brain helped you come to that conclusion?"
Cassis was honestly baffled by her way of thinking.

"Your words not mine and judging by your past actions... I wouldn't be surprised."

"Y-you perverted stalker!! What are you doing in my room!"

"What a nice way to say good morning!"
He sarcastically uttered with a huge grin.

"This shameless bastard, where are your manners, you should at least have the common decency to wait outside. When did you get here anyway?"

"An hour ago, I came through the window, I tried waking you up but you were sleeping peacefully like a log, so I just kinda left you alone."

"Don't tell me you were staring at me the whole time."
The disgust on my face could be seen.

"Hey!! I'm not some perverted no life, I was reading."
His blush spread to his neck as he continuously waved the fourth volume in my face.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hey! What do you mean by that."
Aelia could only grin at his bright red face which he seemed to not have noticed.

However, their light quarrel was interrupted by a flying dagger which Cassis dodged effortlessly.

"Who dares to interfere with my sleep!"
A hoarse voice was heard as a whiskey glass splattered onto the cold floor.

Both Aelia and Cassis immediately snapped their heads in his direction.
They could only face his chest not even able to glimpse at his face without looking upwards.

In short words, the man was huge.

"See your whining woke the ogre up."
And just like that Aelia managed to piss him off in one second.
A huge tick formed at the corner of his forehead and his face turned red, not because he was blushing but because he was angered.

"So I see you have chosen death."

"What are you? the mafia?"

Aelia sneaked in a slight laugh at Cassis's mocking tone.

"M-Mafia? What's that?"

"Hah! You've got jokes huh weakling, watch me knock that grin off your face then we'll see who has the last laugh."
The mercenary boasted loudly as he rubbed his grey beard, he had had enough of their shenanigans.

"Cassis make it quick."

"Zip it brat face don't interfere when men are talking-"


Before one could even blink an eye, the gigantic misogynistic mercenary dropped to the ground, letting out thick white foam from his mouth, his eyes were rolled backward allowing only his yellowish pupils to be visible.

"That's one way to shut him up."
Grey eyes which lacked empathy just coldly glanced at his unconscious body.


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