Chapter 64: brothers

Começar do início

I stopped to think about what he'd just said. "Again? Am I an uncle?!"

"Umm, well yea I guess you are. Sorry I really just dumped that on you."

"You said was?"

"He's not dead! Sorry, he's just in New Zealand, I don't see or hear from that side of the family a lot. It's umm yea."

The logic was starting to come together in my head, "so I have siblings apart from you."

His breath hitched and he immediately changed subject, "I'm sorry but my break is nearly over, I'll text Phil about talking soon I promise."

"Okay bye."

"Bye little bro." He hung up but I didn't care. My head was swimming. So happy about being someone's little bro and so afraid about what family I was about to uncover.

Tommy's POV:

It was difficult, but Tubs was determined to sit in the tree house (in my head I called it a tree bench because it was more like that) with me. His legs were heating and not strong enough to climb very well, but I helped because I'm quite strong.

I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. It was still warm and the sun was only just going in. "Luv u." I said, feeling proud about how clear it sounded now. I didn't even need a speech therapist or whatever the lady at school said I needed.

"I love y-y-y-y-ou t-t-t-too-too T-t-t-t-tommy." I wondered whether my brother would ever talk to me without stammering again. I wondered if Wilbur would ever wake up. Would he be like Tubbo and go to sleep for a few days. Or would he be like Dad and go to sleep forever. It scared me: people being gone forever. One day it would happen to me but I didn't really understand what would actually happen to me. Like where would I go? What would I even do?

"Boys! Can you come in please?"

Tubbo gestured for me to get down and I did so quickly, throwing myself off the tree and landing in the grass with a roll like spiderman does. The way he got down didn't look as nice or as comfortable but I didn't mention it and just waited for him to walked me back to the house.

Kristin made us all sit down on the sofa and Techno said that Tor was his brother. Then he said that it didn't change that we were his brothers and I stopped listening after that. It didn't change anything and I was bored. My brain wanted to do something else.

"Tommy?" It was Techno again. I half-looked in his direction as a reply that I was listening. "Would you like to watch me and Tubbo play some minecraft?"

I nodded and rushed over to the sofa, sitting down on my blanket before the Xbox was even turned on.

Time skip:

"Oh come on!" Techno shouted, switching to his sword so he could clear all the cobwebs in the abandoned mineshaft they'd found under their base. "This is going to make a sick mob spawner when we clear it out. Didn't you say you'd been looking at some redstone stuff recently. Do you reckon there's a way to make the spawner super technical and easy to use?"

Tubbo just sort of nodded, like I do a lot. Techno got all the answer he needed from it and carried on playing happily. I was just happy to get to spend time with my brothers, watch my favourite game and eat an ice lolly.

Mum was upstairs on the phone with Dad, I could hear her talking to him and a lot of the words sounded really serious. It wasn't making much sense but not a lot of things did for me. The world quite often just passed me by and I was happy for it to do so. My own world was a lot more comfortable and easier to deal with. After all, I was (mostly) in control and chose to avoid or not think about all the things that made living in the normal world way harder. My world was peaceful and it made my brain go quiet which I liked.

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora