Chapter Thirty-Four

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Night Fifty-Three, Chicago
July 16th 2022

Luke placed his arms behind Michael and Calum as they bowed and waved to the crowd. Maeve was quick to take a few photos, just as she was about to turn around and leave towards the backstage. A hand gripped around her wrist, at first she had thought a fan had grabbed her and was about to turn to politely tell them to let go. But when she realised that the grip was on the right side of her wrist, she frowned and looked to her right. One of the security guards had his large hand wrapped her small wrist and tugged her backwards.

"Let go of me please. I'm their photographer." Maeve spoke lowly so that no one else cold hear and draw attention. Maeve attempted to tug her hand away from his only for him to hold hers tighter.

"So? You look absolutely ravishing tonight." The guard told her with a smirk playing on his lips. Maeve grimaced and pulled away from only for her to fall back into the barricade.

A few fans gasped and asked if she was okay while the guard snickered to himself before walking off. Maeve felt heat rush to her cheeks and slowly got up, she brushed the back of her dress and thanked the fans behind her. Maeve scurried towards backstage and passed a few people who curiously glanced at her. While a few looked to her with genuine concern as she wiped her cheeks to clear the redness on her skin.

Luke ran down the steps to meet Maeve only she never came. He frowned and rounded the corner and just as he did, Maeve was walking quickly with her head bowed not even watching where she was going.

"Maeve?" Luke called and held his hands out to her and softly grasped her upper arm. Maeve gasped and looked up at Luke with wide eyes, slightly bloodshot before they had softened and she relaxed into his touch.

"Is everything alright?" Luke asked, with one hand he pushed back her hair from her face and saw her burning red cheeks. "What happened?" His voice lowered and Maeve gulped and her lips parted up at him as his eyes stayed on her.

"I fell?" Maeve asked and Luke rolled his eyes with a scoff, he ran a frustrated hand through his hair and looked back towards where she just was in front of the stage. A security guard stood the side and caught Luke's glare before quickly looking away.

"Was it him?" Luke asked and cocked his head towards the man and Maeve followed his gesture and her skin paled. "Was it him, Maeve?" Luke asked, his voice raised slightly and Maeve was quick to nod.

Luke's jaw clenched and stepped away and went to turn around to walk towards the larger man. "Don't. There's still fans out there. They'll see you, Lu. And I'm fine. I got away before he did anything else. I promise you, I'm fine. Please look at me." Maeve called out and grabbed his hand softly, the cool feel of his rings still surprised her body each time.

"Look at your wrist Mae. He is supposed to make you feel safe and comfortable, not to fucking touch you and make you feel uncomfortable." Luke told her and Maeve pulled his hand closer to her body.

"I know. But please, just leave it. Let's just go. It's your birthday. We should celebrate." Maeve dragged him along gently, he followed but his brows were still tightly knitted together.

"He and everyone else should know that my wife is in fact off limits." Luke told her lowly as they entered the dressing room. Maeve blushed and moved aside to allow Luke to grab his bag. The others had already left to the hotel that was booked for them to stay for the night. Luke handed her his grey jacket and she slipped it through her arms, the sleeves being way too large for her.

"I can't even say that's not true." Maeve frowned up at him and Luke smirked as he grabbed his bag and stood in front of her. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers before wrapping an arm around her body and guided her out.

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