Chapter Thirty-Seven

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8th August 2022

Luke's gaze would continue to dip down to her chest, her necklace shined in the light and had always managed to catch his eyes. Well, that's what he blamed it on. Maeve believed him at first, but the more she caught him staring when the sun wasn't on her she realised.

"Very scandalous Luke. Staring at a woman's bust?" Maeve playfully asked and crossed one leg over the other. Luke grinned and sat back in his chair, he spreads his legs, his lips parted and his cheeks flushed. He had been caught out for once and for all.

Luke sighed and lifted the glass to his lips as he took a sip of his tequila. "I believe you are my wife." He pointed out and watched as her own gaze was more lustful as she stared down to his chest to his parted legs. "But I guess, I could say the same to you, Mae. I believe staring is rude." Luke smirked and downed the rest of his drink.

Maeve met his eyes and his cheeks were still a warm pink whereas hers were safely covered up by her foundation. But he probably knew underneath it all that she was blushing. Maeve raised a single brow and raised her glass to her lips and Luke followed the glass to her lips.

Luke clenched his jaw and gulped slowly as she placed the glass back down to the table and slowly raised to her feet. Her red dress hugged her body as she took slow steps towards him. His lustful gaze fell down to her body and the way her waist dips in perfectly and then to the cut through the middle of the dress. The silk dress parted slightly and Luke inhaled sharply as her thighs came into view.

"What's wrong? Never seen skin before?" Maeve giggled with a sly smile as she leaned over him. Luke's lips parted as he stared up at her and the corner of his lips curled into a smirk.

"Oh I have. But yours, I love yours the most though." Luke told her, she had been so caught up in his voice and the way he looked up at her, she hadn't noticed the soft trail of his fingertips up her thigh.

It wasn't until he gripped her thigh firmly and caused her to gasp. He pulled her down into his lap, her chest firmly pressed against his and he couldn't care less. The way her eyes widen and how her lips parted, he knew her cheeks were burning red under the make up. Luke wetted his lips as he stared down at hers, her strong perfume engraved his brain.

Maeve ran her hand up his clothed chest until her fingers grazed over his bare chest where he had left it unbuttoned. Luke hummed softly at her touch and squeezed her bare thigh while the other held her hip. He watched her curious follow her hand towards his neck, to his jaw as her nails softly grazed over his stubble before curling around the back of his neck. Her fingers tied to the loose curls on the nape of his neck

Luke leaned down to her and hovered his lips over hers until he leaned up and pressed her lips against his. The kiss started off slow until she tugged at his hair and her free hand moved to the buttons on his shirt. Maeve pulled away to catch her breath while Luke moved to her neck and sucked her skin harshly. The stubble on his jaw tickled her skin as always, something she prayed he would never get rid of. Maeve had managed to unbutton one button before he caught her lips again and slipped his hand between her legs.

A smirk played on her lips as he froze and was quick to pull away. His brows knitted together, his lips swollen and painted red from her lips. Her own lips were to swollen and her lipstick was slightly smeared but he found it quite sexy. Her eyes were dark and Luke then gazed down at her with slight shock.

"I didn't have enough time to put anything else on. Plus, it would be just easier. Right?" Maeve asked and cocked her head to the side and Luke felt his pants tighten at the look on her face.

"I...right." He breathed out and Maeve leaned back in and kissed him softly. She pushed his hair back before she moved her lips down to his jaw and neck.

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