Chapter Thirty-Nine

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14th August 2022

Inside these pages
You just hold me
And I won't ever let you go
Wait for me to come home

Almost a whole week had passed since being in Costa Rica. They had spent their days out on the hot streets and walking in the city. Taking in what was around them and trying new things. Women recommended Maeve outfits that she had never considered for herself. But they ensured, she would look 'beautiful as heaven' Luke grinned at their words and agreed with them while adding on his own compliment.

"I think she already does." Maeve remembered rolling her eyes and curling her hair behind her ear.

Luke loved to make her blush, to be the cause of her giggle and shy eyes. He loved when her lips parted in a stutter or in a loss for words. But most of all, he loved her smiles. The way her eyes glimmered, the creases on her face became more prominent, how relaxed she became.

So everyday, he made it his goal to make her smile. So as usual for Maeve's words that Sunday's were to wind down and relax a little. Maeve was laid out on one of the sun-beds out on the their private part of the beach. She had one leg propped up slightly as she watched Luke swim against the waves. A small smile on her lips when he would be pushed back by the waves, and Luke would let out a laugh before going under.

Luke resurfaced, he shook his head to get his hair out from his face. Maeve giggled softly as he walked his way up towards where she lay under the canopy. "Don't come any closer. You're sopping wet." Maeve pointed and Luke smirked, his glistening body shimmered in the light and Maeve couldn't help but let her eyes fall across his body. Luke opened up his arms and leaned down to meet her, Maeve squealed and rolled off the sun-bed. Luke laughed loudly as he raced after her, sand kicked up in the air before he was able to catch up behind her.

With the use of his long arms, he had managed to wrap them around her body and pull her backwards into his chest. Maeve groaned as his soaking wet body embraced her once warm and dry body. "Now you have to joined me in the water." Luke told her with a sly smile and he hovered his lips over the crook of her neck. Her hair pushed to one side so he could smother her skin in kisses.

"I don't have to do anything." Maeve smiled up at him as she softly pushed him away, only that did nothing at all. He only held her tighter and pulled her closer.

"Is that so?" He chuckled softly and she hummed, his soft gaze flickered down to her full lips that was curved into a lopsided grin. Luke was then quick to hook one arm under her legs and one wrapped around her waist and he ran towards the waves that crashed up to the beach. Maeve cried out his name and ordered him to put her down, only for him to keep laughing and race towards the ocean. Once Luke was waist deep, he threw Maeve into the water and dove under.

He held back his laugh as he watched her scramble to the surface and watched as she gasped for air. "You're an idiot, you know that?" Maeve rhetorically asked and slapped his arm as he neared her again. Luke snickered as she frowned up at him, her lips pursed and he gently grabbed her hips and pulled her into him.

"I love you, Mae." He sang softly and lifted her up so her legs would wrap around his torso. Maeve rested her head against his shoulder and arms wrapped around his body.

"I know." She sighed and Luke squeezed her hips, she giggled and traced her lips down from his shoulders his chest. "I love you, Lu." Maeve raised her head to meet his soft gaze. Luke pressed his lips against hers softly.

The waves lapped over them and the cool waters became warm as their bodies grew used to the temperatures. The sound of the ocean reaching the shore and going back out was calming. It was like the ocean was taking each breath it had touched the white sand.

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