Chapter Six

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One week later

"Hey Maeve." Eliza yawned as she passed the woman on the kitchen stool.

"Hey Eliza." Maeve smiled and looked up from her romance book. Eliza rubbed her eyes as she waited for her coffee to cool down.

"So are you ever going to tell me what happened that night? I heard you talking to someone, I was just too lazy to come and see who it was." Eliza raised a brow but the woman had her assumptions on who the mysterious person was. "Was it Luke?" Eliza asked and walked around the counter and sat beside Maeve and closed the book in her hand.

"Maybe it was." Maeve shrugged and went to pick her book up again.

"Oh I know it was. You both talk in whispers." Eliza gives Maeve a knowing smile, Maeve blushed and looked away from Eliza.

"I wasn't myself. I didn't feel too good, he drove me home, end of story." Maeve stated and tried grabbing her book back.

"Nothing else?" Eliza asked holding back the book and Maeve nodded. Eliza rolled her eyes with a smile before handing back Maeve her book. "I don't believe you, but I guess I'll have to for now."

Maeve scoffed and took the book away from Eliza's hands and watched her friend leave with her coffee. Maeve sighed softly and sat back in the stool and her stomach did a small flip as she thought of him that night.

"I'm sure staring is rude." Luke told her with a sly smirk playing on his lips. Maeve quickly turned her head away and looked out the window. Her cheeks burning red when she heard him chuckle, and she saw his reflection through the window. A smile was still plastered on his face and she watched how he would occasionally look over at her. His gaze soft but she saw there was something else, like there was something waiting to be said. But who from was a whole different story.

"Maeve?" Luke asked and Maeve hummed, turning her head back round and shifting in her seat to fully face him again. Luke opened his mouth and then closed it again, the car had started to slow down in speed, or that's what it seemed. But they both weren't too sure. But Luke never lifted his foot, so why did everything seem to slow down?

"I can see you staring at me through the window." He laughed, and it wasn't just a small chuckle or a breathy laugh, it was real. Maeve groaned and bowed her head so that her hair fell forward and hide the side of her face.

Luke took another glance over and bit back his smile. He reached forward and turned the warmth off and pulled into a quiet street.

The road was bumpy and the street was too dark to see the potholes. Maybe searched for her keys and told Luke to pull in to a small parking lot.

Luke turned the engine off and looked around and saw how dark it was. He opened the door and followed Maeve round to front of the car, Maeve looked up at him with a raised brow.

"You live here?" He asked and Maeve nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah. It's not the best. But it's a roof over mine and Eliza's head." Maeve told him and shifted from one foot to another. Luke watched the group of people walk by as they spoke in slurred words and their eyes bloodshot.

"Right." Luke nodded and looked back to her face and saw the goosebumps appear on her skin. "Come on then. Let's get you inside." He told her and removed his hoodie and quickly placing it over her head before she walked away.

"Luke!" Maeve choked with a giggle as her head pops out through the hole. Luke smiled down at her and Maeve felt her body instantly warm. The strong cologne and just the scent of Luke lingers on the hoodie, and her fingers curl into the material of the long sleeves.

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