Chapter Thirty-Six

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8th August 2022

Maeve and Luke were both comfortably sat on their seats on the plane. Luke wore a baggy yellow shirt with some worn out black shorts. A set of headphones on top of his head and his eyes remained closed as he slept. Maeve too kept her attire casual for the time being, trying to be discreet in the airport as much as possible. She wore a white blouse with the shoulders on the upper arm, her bliss was neatly tucked in by some slightly baggy blue shorts. Maeve had raised the arm rest between her and Luke up, and had situated herself with her head on his chest.

Maeve was sat nearest the window while Luke sat on the outside, they had fussed over on who got the window seat until Luke pushed her down into the seat. She looked out the window and saw they had started to decrease in altitude as the clouds became thinner and the land below was more seeable. Maeve could see the perfect view of the ocean and what looked to be small white trails of sand. Of course, the small trails were actually large and housed a few villas.

"Luke?" Maeve whispered but got no response, so she moved his headphones away and tapped his bare arm slightly. "Lu. Come on, it's time to wake up. We're going to land soon." Maeve pushed back his curls before grabbing his phone and switching the music off.

Luke groaned and stirred in his seat before slowly prying his eyes open. His cheeks immediately warmed and he felt the corner of his lips twitch in embarrassment as Maeve stared up at him with her doe eyes. "Hey." She breathed softly as she pulled the arms rest back down, he looked over at Maeve and felt his heart race, thumping loudly through his own ears.

"Hi." He mumbled, he reached across and took her hand in his. Luke gave her hand a firm squeeze as he rolled his head back against the seat.

"Did you sleep well?" Her voice was soft spoken as she tried to her voice down, and also the fact that his ears have yet to pop from the high altitudes. Luke turned his head slightly to look over at her, her eyes already on him as they met hers.

"Yeah. Always feel a little bit groggy after sleeping on the plane. I'll be alright once I'm outside and moving about." Luke told her and his eyes moved from her intense warmth of her eyes to her lips.

Maeve hummed softly and gave his hand a squeeze back. "This is like our long awaited honeymoon." Maeve told him softly, her words caused Luke to chuckle with a nod.

"I suppose it is. It's whatever you want it to be, Mae." Luke leaned over and gave her a quick but soft kiss to her lips.


A whole hour had gone by, they had successfully landed and gotten through customs fine. Maeve would never be able to rid the anxiety in the out of her stomach each time she went through, that somehow a weapon had appeared in her bag. Of course, each time was successful that was indeed not a madwoman. Yet.

Luke had a hand in her wrists as they walked through the airport where the signs for the rentals cars were. The couple had thought long about what would be better, having a taxi and bus rides or having their own car. They both decided it would be best to have a car, have their own music playing however loud they wanted it, speak freely without being judged. And less risk of coming in contact with fans.

Luke loved his fans of course. But he also loved his privacy especially when it came to Maeve. She was His Secret. Well was. Everyone knew of Luke and Maeve, and if you didn't, you probably never heard of the band. But Luke loved the idea of keeping Maeve to himself, but he also always wanted to show her off on how perfect and talented she was. Of course, Luke knew that if a fan did spot the couple, he hoped they'd keep it quiet, though he had his doubts. He knew Maeve would push him to talk and have photos with his fans, but if the two weeks were only about her and him. He wanted to try and keep it that way, and hopefully be able to politely decline to the fans. If he had the heart to, that was. Maeve knew deep down that it would crush him. Hence why she pushed him to, not forced him but rather nudged him. It was his call at the end of the day.

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