Chapter Twenty-Four

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~33 weeks~

The sky was dark, illuminates by the stars that twinkled down on those who were still wide awake. Frost had started to appear further in the night on the cars, the little bench outside in the backyard. Sirens can be heard and teenagers revving their engine just a few blocks down. Dogs barking in the distance as a slight rattle in the alleyway of a cat jumping down from the brick wall.

Maeve listened and watched. She stared out the window and ran soothing circles across her bump, her back in pain and her mind racing. Every thought of childbirth, every thought of starting new. It was both exciting and thrilling to think about. Maeve knew her life was about to change, to never be the same again. Though there is one thing, a hole in her chest as she dwelled upon it.

Eliza. Maeve wanted Eliza to be by her side as she gave birth. As well as Luke, but Eliza had become a family member. Her mother was not in the picture and Maeve did not want her mother there to begin with. She never bothered in the first place, what would make her bother now? That she will have a granddaughter? The thought alone sent a distaste in her mouth as she frowned, catching the glimpse of her reflection in the window.

Maeve focused back on the sounds outside as well as hearing Petunia's loud snoring as well as the soft breaths that left Luke's mouth. Looking back, she smiled to herself as he was sprawled across his stomach, one arm under his pillow and the other across the bed. Slowly standing from the edge of the bed, she waddled round to her side. Wincing at the slight pain before stopping completely and squeezing her eyes shut.

A pain in her abdomen became worse and caused her to clench her jaw. Leaning one side of her body against the bed and one hand on her bump as if it were to soothe pain. However, just as quick as the pain came, just as quick as it went.

Maeve lets out a tremble sigh of both relief and fear. That feeling of this is it. A wake up call. Maeve carefully moved into the bed, pulling the duvet back over her body. Turning to face Luke, she focused on his calm breathing and slowly her eyes started to droop. Luke stirred slightly causing her eye to reopen but Luke only shuffled closer, his arm resting on her body as he felt her warmth beside him. Maeve smiled softly and curled up closer to his chest, finally her eyes closing and falling into an embrace of sleep.

Maeve had joined Luke to rehearsals a few days later. With the Take My hand Tour right around the corner now, putting in favourite songs from fans and their own was a must. Luke grabbed her hand as they walked through the doors, greeting the managers they passed before stopping outside a large door. As they stepped inside the room, Michael was already strumming his guitar, laughing at what Calum had said.

"Finally!" Ashton sighed with a cheeky smile causing Maeve to roll her eyes. Luke walked towards a table with Maeve and pulled out a chair for her, he gestured for her to take a seat. Luke took a seat beside and reached across to look at the notes they had already made. Some songs were underlined and bold, while some had a few question marks around them.

She looks so perfect, Teeth and Ghost of You were underlined and written in bold. Luke leaned back in his seat as he looked over a few songs and saw Lover of Mine with a question mark. Luke looked towards Maeve, a smile playing on her lips as she listened to Ashton talk about the upcoming tour. His eyes fell to her ring finger and saw his ring still sat there. His brows knitted together, he noticed how the ring would constant slip and was still too large for her finger. But she still wore it.

"What do you think of Lover of Mine?" Luke asked showing her the paper after Ashton had finished talking.

"Oh, I love that song." Maeve sighed softly and Luke grinned before he underlined the song causing Maeve to smile at the paper.

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