Chapter Thirty-Eight

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9th August 2022

Love of two is one
Here but now they're gone
Came the last night sadness
And it was clear that she
couldn't go on
And the door was open
and the wind appeared
The candles blew
and then disappeared
The curtains flew
and then he appeared
Saying, "don't be afraid."

It was early hours of the morning, the sun was only beginning to rise when Luke had woken up. Carefully, he slipped out from under the covers and quietly left the room. Maeve only rolled over and curled up into the pillows, her legs stretched across the bed at the new space she now had.

The air was so much cooler in the early hours, Luke was able to roam around the villa with his shorts and the classic baggy red shirt. He made himself his morning coffee and her a hot tea, Luke moved the fridge to put the milk back and he stared at the empty shelves. "Looks like we're eating out for breakfast." Luke sighed and closed the fridge door before he grabbed the hot mugs and walked back up the stairs.

Maeve was still where he had left her, only she was curled up into his pillows. Her hair sprawled across the white silk cases, her lips parted as smoky snores escaped past her lips. Luke couldn't help but smile to himself as he neared the bed. He placed both mugs down in the bedside table and moved to balcony doors.

He pushed open the curtain and he stared out the window door in awe. The sky was a pale blue with only a few clouds in the sky, as the sun started to appear from the waters, there was a pastel yellow starting at what seemed to be the end of the word but it was just the water. The ocean itself was a beautiful blue. Clear and glittered in the rising sun as the little touched the small calm waves. Shadows of trees and the villa began out huge but as the sun moved further up and along the sky, they became smaller each passing minute, moving with the sun.

Luke opened the double doors and the air was still. No breeze. Just the warmth of Costa Rica air. His feet padded along the wooden balcony as she walked fishnet down to view the open ocean. He watched the birds soar above the waters and dip down to catch the fish that swam near the surface. The strong smell of sea salt reached up to him, and the smell had somehow reminded him of home.

After standing outside for another few minutes and letting the sun warm him up, he walked back inside. He left the doors open as he stepped towards the bed, his fingers grazed over her bare arm. Maeve stirred and rolled over onto her back and she slowly pried her eyes open. Luke couldn't help himself but to grin down at her, her brows knitted together and she blinked a few times before she relaxed against the mattress.

"I have a few things planned for today. So I made you cup of tea to wake you up a little. Cause our day starts quite early." Luke handed her the now warm tea, she hummed and sat up slightly. "We'll also have to get breakfast out. We literally have nothing." Luke chuckled and reached across to grab his coffee and took small sips.

"We'll take a shopping trip later then?" Maeve asked and Luke nodded. Maeve stretched her legs and climbed out of bed, her eyes widened as she looked out at the open double doors. "It's so pretty!" Maeve gushed and placed her now empty mug on the side and stepped outside. She inhaled the fresh air, the warmth on her skin.

"I know." Luke laughed softly and he leant his body against the doorframe. His eyes stayed on her as she stepped outside even further and stared out to the ocean.

"This has to be the best birthday present ever." Maeve smiled and looked back to Luke who was already watching her with a soft gaze. His lips trembled into a smile as soon as he saw her glowing face.

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