Chapter Seven

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"Well, I've got all night."

Luke sat in the car and it was silent for a short while as they drove through the busy city. Maeve listened to music that was humming softly from the radio. While Luke tried to think of words to begin with, each word getting caught in his throat. He would occasionally glance over at her only to find that Maeve was watching all the city lights and smiling at the setting sun and the couples that swing their arms and the children that ran down the street with their friends. His heart in his chest was loud, his thoughts were even louder and he wished it would all stop and just be able to focus on only one thing.

"Relationships have always been difficult. For me. So I learnt the hard way. I found that I could not please my partner by giving them what they really needed. I was used and thrown out as soon as they had enough. Women latch onto me like their life depends on it and then drop me in the shit when they're finished, when they've sucked all the life and energy from me. It will always start off nice and comfortable. But as soon as they get too comfortable, my wallet is empty and my bank account is dry and I'm working my ass off to get another song done to pay myself back. Then sometimes, I can have something good. But the media gets them, and they leave and it's my fault. But I can't hide my lover forever, yes I'll protect you, but I can't keep you away from your social life and you're going to hear and see it. But it's me. Always me. I'm the villain in my own story. So I'm sorry Maeve. I'm sorry that people are going to say some mean shit. I'm sorry that your life is on the screen. I'm sorry for the screaming and yelling, the stupid interviews and magazines. I'm sorry for everything because I drank too much one night and fucked us over. I'm sorry that I had a great time with you that night. I am sorry." Luke finally exhaled and gripped the steering wheel harshly and focused on the road ahead.

Maeve smiled and blinked away the sting in her eyes and her hand reached across. Maeve held onto his hand that was resting on his leg. His fingertips were rough as they brushed over her knuckles but there was still a warmth and softness in his palm. Luke's heart slowed and he felt his body relax at her touch.

"We both drank that night. I think we're both to blame. But I would never, never treat you that way. Especially when I know that I was part of it." Maeve squeezed his hand and Luke nodded and squeezed her hand back.


"This is my humble abode." Luke unlocked the door to his apartment and Maeve grinned and followed him inside.

Luke's apartment was nice and cosy, a cute little hallway that had a little shoe rack with misplaced shoes, a coat hanger just above with a few jackets. The walls were a cream colour and leads out to a spacious lounge. One large round loveseat and then a long black soft sofa, a few blankets over the couch and cushions propped up. The loveseat was a faded grey and in the middle was a bulldog terrier mix, her head perked up before rolling over and falling back asleep.

"That's Petunia." Luke laughed and placed his keys down on the kitchen counter. Maeve giggled and stepped further inside and felt the warmth, a large window facing out to the city and on the same wall was the brick wall. A little fireplace just below the large TV, the floor was a vinyl grey and dog toys scattered across the room. A round coffee table with huge amounts of paper and a famous red guitar sat against the arm of the chair.

"Wow." Maeve walked forward behind the large sofas and reached out and placed a single finger on the white key. A high pitched noise sounded and she smiled to herself and looked over at Luke. Although, he was already watching her with a a smile, he kicked off his shoes and placed them by the door before walking back to kitchen.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked and Maeve hummed and walked and she too kicked off her shoes and placed hers beside his.

"What are you offering?" Maeve asked and leaned against the counter and Luke looked in the fridge and pulled out two cider bottles. Kopparberg strawberry and Lime. "Yes please." Maeve rested her chin against her hand and watched Luke open the bottle and passed her a bottle. "Thank you."

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