Chapter Tweleve

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Luke had received so much love from his new solo album. He was always smiling and doing little dances around the apartment, Maeve would giggle and join in. But he was attending the studio more, rehearsing songs for the Global Citizen. Maeve tried to join him as much as possible, but she had just guessed that he was better going on his own. This was his time. Luke would raise a brow when she would decline, her smile was almost believable, but he could see how she forced it.

"You sure? You haven't come down for a few days now. You're like good luck down there, and the boys. They miss you. Do you want me to ask Calum if Eliza wants to visit?" Luke asked as he changed and ran a hand through his curls.

"I'm sure. I have Petunia. I'll call Eliza too. I just want to stay here today." Maeve folded her arms over her chest and watched his body slump slightly. "Have fun. You did before me." Maeve reminded him and leaned forward, standing on her tippy-toes to give him a peck on the lips.

Luke went to grab her waist, but she moved back quickly. "Okay. I'll be home as soon as we finish up. I...I'll see you later." He gave her small smile and kissed her forehead softly and petting Petunia on his way out.

"See you later." She whispered as he walked out the door.

"No Maeve again?" Calum asked as he strummed his bass. Luke shook his head and shrugged his jacket off.

"Is she alright?" Crystal asked and Luke wasn't sure. He bowed his head and took a seat on the leather sofa.

"I'm not sure. She seems fine, but then she goes all quiet and closes up. Sometimes she's laughing and being an idiot, and then straight after she's sitting in silence as if she's deep in thought. Today, she moved away from me when I tried to hold her. But she said she'll call Eliza today. So hopefully they plan something at least." Luke vomited his words, he looked up at the boys and Crystal.

"That sounds a lot like mood swings." Michael laughed and Crystal nudged his ribs causing him to wince.

"Mood swings?" Luke asked and leaned back into the sofa and Crystal sighed but nodded.

"Maeve is either stressed. Or she's pregnant. She's going from happy to sad in seconds." Crystal told him and Luke widens his eyes. He hadn't told them yet, and he believed Eliza and Maeve hadn't either. So he too, kept his mouth shut.

"I'd like to go with the first option." Luke told her and Calum snorted before coughing and scratching the back of his neck. Luke glared over at him, he knew.

Luke stood to his feet and grabbed his acoustic and strumming a few chords. "Well at least I have my answers now." He mumbled and bobbed his head.

"I can tell by the look
In your eyes
That you don't want to fight
On a Friday night
Livin' my life
Lookin' from the outside
I hope you don't mind
That I ruined our time"

Luke paused and Ashton wrote down the lyrics and hummed them and writing more words down. Luke sighed and stared down at the guitar and his fingers moved against the pattern, his chest ached for the first time. He hadn't felt this feeling since he was a teenager when he left Australia to visit London for the first time.

"I have to go. I can't stay another second." Luke groaned and packed away his acoustic and took the paper from Ashton's hands.

"Hey!" Ashton stood up and Calum smirked as he watched the two tall men pace across the room.

"You're leaving? We have to rehearse together and get an album done!" Michael yelled and Luke paused and looked back.

"Rehearse without me. We still have time. Pick out songs and I'll stay for the next and we can decide if they're the ones. I just know that something isn't right." Luke told them and Crystal smiled softly and Michael frowned at her.

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