Chapter Twenty

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I didn't say, "I love you." To hear it back.
I said it to make sure you knew.

"You're mine."

They were the only words that kept replaying in Maeve's head. The way the two words slipped off his tongue, the velvety voice he held as he had spoken had sent some sort of shiver up her spine.

Maeve had always disliked the idea of owning someone, she wasn't a pet. But hearing it come from Luke, it felt different. Like he had never intended for it to be that way, but more of the case he had fallen irrevocably in love with her. Of course, the two are too blinded by their past to even know that. Luke's fear of losing the person he cared for most, and Maeve's fear was that she will never be enough for him.

Maeve smiled to the people around her, greeting those who walked up to her. Ashton was already at the studio and confirmed to Luke and Maeve that he had too many espressos already. "Okay, well you need to slow down." Maeve jokingly told him and gave him a side hug.

Many people rushed around and Maeve grabbed her bag from Luke and followed a few others with Luke and Ashton following behind. "This will be your setup alongside our other producers and we have Ryan here helping you out. He has worked with the guys before." Maeve turned to the blonde and shot him a smile.

"Hi." She shook his hand and Ryan immediately pulled her into a hug.

"It's lovely to finally meet you Maeve. I've heard many things about you. All good too! I love your work, I'm surprised they hadn't found you earlier in their careers." Ryan told her as he took a step back and Maeve smiled and thanked him.

An hour has passed and Ryan and Maeve had gotten to know each other as they helped set up on a few areas, placing the cameras in the correct position. Then it was finally time where the cameras moved into the stage where Ashton was sat alone on the drinking before he started to play.

Maeve watched the screen carefully as it hovered over Ashton before she switched to the second camera. Immediately following the three towards the stage.

Luke wore a navy blue suit, with a slightly lighter tank top, rings sat on his fingers and he had dark brown shoes on with a pair of checkered socks. A necklace hung from his neck as he sang into the microphone. Their voices bouncing off the walls. They kicked it off with She Looks so Perfect and Luke's eyes danced around until they found her hiding behind the camera, a sly smile resting on her lips as she looked into the camera. Once she realised that his eyes had found the camera, she lifted her head and a twitch on Luke's lips was just visible.

As the camera moved closer, Luke attempted to punch the camera. As the song finished, the lights go down as usual, Ashton steps away from his drums and the three place down their guitars. "That was nice." And they murmured in agreement as they stepped away and the cameras are quick to move with them towards the set up lounge.

Colourful walls that had been painted a few days ago, a pizza box with a half eaten Pizza, and Maeve genuinely thought that the pizza had maybe come from their dress rooms. Maeve thought it was nice nostalgic set up.

"Hello! And welcome to Five Seconds of Summer's Ten Year Anniversary Show. We're going to be playing some of our favourite songs from the last ten years, and we also have a couple of surprises as we look back on our time together." Michael introduced and looked back to the three who nodded.

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