Chapter Forty-One

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22nd September 2022

Maeve had never been to London. Or even the UK. So when they stepped foot off the plane and was outside, the cold pinched her skin. She hadn't known a cold quite like the British cold. Luke snickered and wrapped an arm around her body and pulled her into his side as they walked towards the waiting cars. Maeve had Elizabeth in her push-chair before putting it down, as Luke took Elizabeth out and placed her in her new car seat.

Luke, Maeve and Elizabeth sat in one car, Elizabeth in the middle, and Luke and Maeve on either side. "This is all so exciting! Elizabeth's first ever trip. Your first ever show with a live orchestra and choir." Maeve grinned up at the blonde, Luke ran a hand through his curls that had grown since the last time.

"When we were younger, we used to busk just outside of the building. Now, we're performing to a sold out show with a little over five-thousand faces in front of us. Then a hundred thousand if not more behind screens. Somehow, this doesn't feel real." Luke chuckled softly and Maeve hummed and watched as he turned his head out the window. The two watched the large buildings whizz by as they drove down the motorway towards London.

They sat New York City is a city that never sleeps, Maeve took one glance at the busy streets of London and knew that this place would be a close second. The only difference was that New York held some sort of colour from billboards, but London was just all brick and stone. Black and white. It was like someone had stole the colour from the UK. Since they had landed, there was nothing but greys and whites. The sun was out, but the sky was grey. She found it fascinating, her lips pulled into a soft smile, it was like they had changed the filter on her eyesight as she looked around.

The cars pulled up outside a large dome like building, long stairs lead towards to the doors and there was signs with Five Seconds of Summer starring at the Royal Albert Hall tonight. As they made their way to the back, the car came to a stop where they could just step out of the car and enter the building in a few steps. They were also hidden away from public eye, but they all knew that fans had spotted the three large black cars with tinted windows, had rounded towards the back.

Luke was quick to step out of the car as soon as it came to a stop. Maeve unbuckled and helped Luke get Elizabeth out safely. The driver opened Maeve's door with a kind smile and gestured her to take a step out.

"Thanks." Maeve smiled and moved around the car to meet Luke on the other side. Crystal and Michael climbed out one car, then the last car, Calum and Ashton jumped out and joined them at the front of the entrance.

As they stepped inside, they realised they were at the back entrance nearest the stage. As they walked further down the corridor, they came to the dressing room just before the large double doors that leads them to the stage from the side. Maeve looked up at her brow raised before she looked to Luke who held a grin.

'5sos and Maeve's Dressing Room'

"Seriously? I'm only singing one song with you." Maeve laughed and pushed the door open, Luke followed behind her as did the others.

"Exactly. You're performing. The Gospel Choir has their own too because they're performing with us." Ashton spoke up and Luke nodded in agreement.

"I agreed to this too. You deserve this Maeve. You and Luke." Michael spoke softly and Crystal smiled up at him and he grinned, he pulled her into his side and looked back to Maeve who stared back at them all.

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