Chapter Twenty-Five

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And I'd chose you;
In a hundred lifetimes,
In a hundred worlds,
In any version of reality,
I'd find you and
I'd choose you

Warning: This Chapter contains mature scenes that some may find disturbing. If you are affected by this chapter, please contact someone or me. I'm always happy to listen.

Blood, mention of near death, complications with birth.

~36 Weeks~
~7:13 AM~

Maeve stirred and rolled over, humming softly as she found the comfort and warmth of Luke's chest and curling up closer to him. The duvet was just hanging off of her body as the cool mooting air touched her skin. Her eyes slowly opened and as she looked up, Luke was already staring at her with a soft smile playing on his lips. His fingers pushing back her hair away from her face and behind her ear. His eyes danced over her face and her heart raced at his intense gaze on her.

"You always look at me like that." Maeve giggled and Luke hummed and leaned his forehead against hers. His hand found hers between their bodies and gave her hand a squeeze before lifting it towards his lips. He pressed small kisses across her knuckles, she smiled softly as she watched him then kiss the inside of her hand.

"Because I love you, Mae. In every universe, in every lifetime, I would always choose you. There's not a day that I don't regret with you. I love our little bickers. I love your glare, your voice." He whispered and placed her hand on his chest and holding her close to his body.

Maeve bit her lip and Luke raised his hand and pulled her lip away from her teeth. "I love you, Lu." Her voice soft as she spoke, Luke smiled at her voice and words. His head was still pressed against the pillow and his blonde curls fell all over the place and fell to his face.

She reached up and pushed back his curls, running her fingers through his hair that caused him to close his eyes as her delicate touch ran behind his ear and under his jaw to his neck and back up to his cheek. The feel of his stubble beneath her palm was rough, her nails scratched the stubble softly before moving her hand to the hair on the nape of his neck.

The sun was seeping through the curtains and the birds were singing their songs to their lovers and children. The passing of a car could be heard but only barely. Maeve could lay here forever, be in Luke's hold for the rest of her life. He would love to have the same, to forever be in her touch. To be forever close by. To be just a single breath away. Luke clung onto Maeve like his life depended on it, because in a way, it did. Luke was alone. Surrounded by people who fell in love and were ready to start their lives, Luke's had just barely begun. He wanted a hand to hold, he wanted what everyone else had. Forever craving her touch, even when she is close by.

Maeve was perfect. She'd sit and listen, reassure Luke when he was unsure or lost. Support his decisions, let him still live his life without her. But most of all, she was a voice he never had. Maeve defended that man as if it was the last thing she'd do. And he'd fall in love with her all over again.

Maeve stretched and sat up, she winced and Luke noticed. He followed and sat up alongside her. His hand resting on her back as she groaned, her jaw clenched in pain. This pain was worse than a few weeks ago, they had been happening a few times now. But this pain lasted longer and more painful.

"Is everything alright Maeve?" Luke asked, his brows knitted together, his hand rubbed soothing circles along her back as her eyes remained closed.

"I'm okay." Maeve finally breathed and her body visibly relaxed. Luke remained by her side, monitoring her breathing and each time she winced.

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