Chapter Eight

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" kept my dress?" Maeve asked immediately and stood to her feet. "And the certificates." Her hand stretching out as she pointed towards the thick bits of paper. "Did...Did you even plan on getting a divorce? I mean that's was the whole reason why I came. Not play get to know my husband and play with his dog. Because I don't see any papers that say Divorce." Maeve raised a brow as she waited for Luke's response. Only she didn't get one.

Luke bowed his head and kept silent, words tried to form and they were all scrambled and none making sense. Maeve scoffed and brushed past Luke and leaving the room. Luke's heart raced and looked up, quickly following after her.

"W..what are you doing? Where are you going?" Luke choked on his words, his hands trying to reach out towards Maeve only for her to swat them away as she slides her foot into her shoe.

"Leaving. I'm leaving Luke." She told him and grabbed her bag from the counter and as she reached for the door, Luke's voice halted her.

"Please. Don't leave." His voice hoarse, his face a mixture of pain and something else that Maeve couldn't put her finger on.

"I'm your photographer Luke. I can't be your wife, I can't live that life. Why is it so hard for you to divorce me. You don't love me, so it should be easy." Maeve took a step back as all her anger started to bubble up, her mind racing as she stared at Luke.

"I've heard this before." Luke mumbled and stumbled back, the ache in chest spreads and it gets to his head. "I'm a bad omen. To myself. To you. And everyone else around me." Luke's shoulders slumped and Maeve turned away from him.

"You're amazing Luke. But if it were a different universe, I would stay."


A few days had passed and Maeve hadn't seen or heard from Luke. She still kept his clothes but they were neatly packed away so she could see them. Maeve hid herself away for a couple of days, her stomach always churning but feeling hungry.

"Hey Maeve?" Eliza poked her head inside and gave a small smile towards Maeve. She lifted her head and wrapped herself up in her duvet and gave Eliza a smile back. "I went out shopping earlier...picked up a few things. And well. I picked up a few of these, you've been vomiting for days and this is all I could think of." Eliza pushed open the door and stood at the end of Maeve's bed.

Maeve sat up with a frown and watched as Eliza placed down a small shopping bag and pulled out a few small boxes. Eliza sat down and pushed them towards Maeve who stared at them and sighed.

"I haven't really thought about this." Maeve groaned and could already feel the tears building up.

"Hey. Hey. Don't cry. Look, if it is positive that's okay. You have choices Maeve, and if it's negative then we can see a doctor on why you keep vomiting. But no matter what, whatever the result is, I am always here. I'll be by your side supporting every decision you make. Because at the end of the day, I love you and it's your body." Eliza told her and Maeve nodded and wiped away a few tears and controlled her broken sobs.

Maeve grabbed multiple tests and walked to the bathroom with Eliza following behind. Eliza placed a hand on Maeve's back and rubbed circles to calm her breathing before she sat down and took the test. "You want me to wait outside?" Eliza asked and Maeve shook her head.

"No. Don't leave me." Maeve gulped and Eliza smiled with a nod. She sat herself on j the edge of the bathtub and talked Maeve through in what to do. "Just relax." Eliza breathed slowly and Maeve copied before peeing onto the stick.

Once she had finished, she cleaned herself and placed the stick onto a piece of tissue and Eliza set a timer of when the results would be in. Maeve washed her hands and joined Eliza on the edge of the bathtub. Eliza gave Maeve another smile and held her hand as the time ticked down slowly. Maeve calmed her breathing and tried to stop her leg from bouncing, but to no avail.

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