Chapter Ten

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"Live, love, laugh, laeve." Maeve giggled as she laid across Luke's sofa.

"That's my favourite actually." Luke announced as he bit into his toast and scrolled through more comments with a playful smile. Maeve rolled her eyes though she too had a smile playing on her lips. Luke walked round and switched off his phone, Maeve seemed at home across his sofa, Petunia was snuggled up close to Maeve with the warm yellow blanket thrown over the two of them.

Luke sat down by her feet and raised them slightly and shuffled up so that he then could rest her legs against his lap. Luke ran his hand up and down her leg, Maeve hums a soft tune and Luke smiled closing his eyes. With her soft tune Luke mumbled words, he imagined his home back in Australia but this time Maeve was in the picture.

"I see it in moments
It's coming in waves
A sunrise in Sydney
That's burning for days
But I'm headstrong and
Stubborn and stuck in my ways..." he turned to face Maeve who looked up.

"Did you just come up with that?" Maeve sat up and put down her phone. Her eyes wide as she waited for his response which was only a small nod.

"With every tomorrow keep
Turning the page

A youth that was stolen and
Filled with mistakes
I turned all around
Looked for someone to blame
But I'm over dramatic
And drenched in my pain
I know you saw it all over my face."

Maeve took Luke's hands and leaned into him, her chest ached at his words. "I'm always here for you, Luke." Her words were soft spoken and her touch was just as gentle.


Maeve was sat once again the studio but this time, Eliza had come along too. Calum's mood had perked up when he saw her face, Luke shot Maeve a raised brow with a sly smile. But that wasn't the only reason why his mood was also at its highest. So when Luke had left the room to get the food at the door, Calum whipped his head round to the others.

"Surprise birthday party for Mr Hemmings at my place." Calum announced, Maeve gulped and stared at Calum as if he had horns growing out of his head.

"Birthday?" Maeve asked with a laugh and Calum nodded and Ashton's smile widened.

"You didn't know, Maeve?" Ashton asked and Maeve felt her cheeks burn, she picked at her nails and crossed one leg over the other, and avoiding everyone's stare.

"He never spoke about his birthday." She sighed and felt her body slump into the chair. "I haven't gotten him anything. When is it?"

"This Friday. And Luke will be happy with whatever you get him. Don't worry too much about it, as long as you keep him happy that day and that you're happy. I don't think he'll really care." Calum told her and Ashton nodded, Maeve chewed at her lips and rubbed her temple. Birthdays and Christmas was everything to Maeve, she loved the time of giving and seeing their faces and the gasps. The oh you shouldn't have looks. And Maeve was not about to miss out on Luke's birthday.

The only problem was, she was struggling with ideas on what to get him. He obviously loved his music, that was without saying. But she wanted to give him something special, a thank you to him for dealing with her for so long already. "I'm thinking at six, you being him down to mine. You take him out for the whole day while we set up at mine. So hopefully at six, you guys waltz in, surprise!" Calum told Maeve who nodded, and just as Calum went to open his mouth again, Luke rushed back in with bags of food.

"Finally!" Eliza moaned out causing the group to laugh. Luke shared out the boxes of food before taking his one and Maeve's and sitting back down beside her on the couch.

"Thanks." Maeve smiled softly and tucked into her food while listening to them converse a bit of the album and some of life in general.

The next few days had been a blur for Maeve, she had busied herself in getting a gift for Luke. She had asked Eliza, but she only shrugged and told her, 'get him what you think is best' and that was that.

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