Chapter Forty-Three

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March 16th 2023

In a world where
We do not

If you haven't known stress before. A few days before a wedding, I'm sure you will then. Elizabeth was a year old now, she was stumbling around and attempting to chase after poor old Petunia. Their paws and feet padded along the flooring, Elizabeth screamed in laughter as she chased after the dog.

Maeve sat at her vanity table while she applied her mascara, the pink dress hugged her body and glittered in the sunlight. Her dark hair perfectly cascaded down her back and outlined her face. Luke sat on the bed and was watching Maeve intently while also keeping an eye on Elizabeth.

Tonight was the Hen Do, Maeve made a promise to herself to not get stupid drunk but to have fun and let her hair down. Mentally and physically. Luke had his Stag Do, though his was a little later than Maeve's as he had to wait for his mum to come down.

"Your mum is an angel in disguise. I offered her to come to the Hen Party but she just waved me off and told me not pay out money for a baby-sitter." Maeve rambled as she walked around the room to grab her heels. Her cherry blossom scent moved around the room and Luke kept his gaze on her. Luke hummed along and his eyes fell down to her body and his the dress clung to her body. Her back was exposed as she turned around and his gaze dropped down to her legs.

"Are you even listening to me Luke?" Her head whipped round as she slipped her foot into the heel.

"I...yes?" Luke stumbled over his words and his eyes met hers, his cheeks had turned warm and gone a dark shade of pink. He blinked several times before he maintained eye contact with her intense gaze.

Her pink painted lips pulled into a smirk, she stood to her feet and sauntered towards him with a sway in her hips. Luke spreads his legs so she could stand between them, her hands found themselves running up his chest to the back of his neck.

"So what did I say?" She asked softly, her fingers curling into his hair and his lips parted, his hands moved to reach for her waist only for her to step away.

"Maeve." Luke grumbled, his eyes darkened and she smiled, she cocked her head to the side as her fingers continued to play with his curls.

"Yes Lu?" Her voice was laid thick with innocence and it dripped off her tongue as if it were normal. Luke's gaze fell from her face down her neck, where the necklace sat and fell to her chest. The more his eyes moved further down her body, the more she smiled as his breaths became uneven. The dress she wore only reached mid-thigh and she showed off her freshly shaven and moisturised legs.

"How long do we have?" He asked and she looked down to where his phone was sat and looked at the time.

"Fifteen minutes."



Maeve arrived outside Michael's and Crystal's house and she jumped out the car and gave Luke a kiss on the cheek as she leaned over the seats. "I'll see you at the alter." Maeve grinned and stepped back, Luke wetted his lips and looked down to her collarbone and smirked as she glared towards him when he noticed.

"Yes Mae. I will see you at the alter. Have fun, I love you." Maeve sighed with a small smile on her lips.

"And you, I love you." She waved after she closed the door, Luke sounded the horn as he slowly started to drive off. "Idiot." She giggled and turned around to walk up the drive.

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