Chapter Twenty-Two

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I would choose you in every lifetime.

~29 weeks~

Luke's parents had gone back home just a few days before New Year's, Maeve stayed with Luke until a few days after. Eliza would have returned back from Florida, Maeve rubbed her face as her stomach churned as she stood outside her apartment door. It was strange, standing outside her own place somehow didn't feel like it was her own place anymore. A blur almost. But every memory was as if it were yesterday and so fresh in her mind.

Maeve took a deep breath and unlocked the door, as she stepped inside and the whole apartment was pitch black and there was an awful smell. Maeve coughed and fumbled to reach for the light switch, and when the light did finally turn on, the apartment was a mess.

The cushions on the sofa were all over the place, empty bottles of wine, and beers sat on the table. Open and half eaten boxes of pizza, the smell of cigarettes was strong and Maeve's hands clenched into fists.

"Eliza?" Maeve called out and stepped over bags of trash and heard a crack beneath her shoe. Maeve rolled her eyes and looked down to see one of her favourite photos of her and Eliza smashed to the floor. Wine had been spilled across the photo damaging the picture. As Maeve leaned down to pick it up, the paper was damp and hanging on by a thread.

"Eliza? You home?" Maeve placed the picture on the table and walked down the small hallway and opened Eliza's bedroom door, only the room was empty. The room was spotless in fact. Maeve frowned and closed the door and just as she was about to turn away, a low thump was heard from her own room.

Maeve's heart raced and she immediately pushed open the door to find her room a mess. "Eliza?" Maeve whispered as she rounded the bed to see her best friend on the floor. Her eyes barely open, cheeks red and stained with tears, her makeup was smeared and she reeked of alcohol and tobacco. "Let me help you." Maeve reached down and Eliza started to laugh manically and pushing Maeve's hands away from her.

"Don't touch me. Don't even come near me." Eliza spat and sat herself up, she groaned in the process and stumbled as she stood to her feet.

"Don't talk like that. You're drunk." Maeve went to grab her hand and Eliza slapped her hands away.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed and Maeve flinched, she took a step back as Eliza started to point her finger towards Maeve.

"You left me. Ignored me. I was always by your side. Now, I'm like shit on your shoe." She slurred and jabbed her finger into Maeve's chest, her lip curled slightly in a sneer.

"I don't understand, Eliza. Let's sit down." Maeve shook her head and Eliza dropped her hand, her shoulders slumped slightly.

"Luke this. Luke that. I get it. You love each other. But you never came back home. You stopped calling. I took care of you... I... I was your best friend. You never checked in on me. Never asked how I was. Am I not enough for you? Was I enough? Can't I be enough for you?" Eliza stumbled back to the bed and wiped her eyes and rubbed her nose. She sniffled and wrapped her arms around her body and stared to the floor.

"Friendships are two ways, Eliza. You hadn't messaged either. But I guess you gave up. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you or anyone." Maeve frowned and Eliza scoffed, glancing up at Maeve through bloodshot eyes.

"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it. You left me all alone. For weeks! I came home hoping to see your face or a text message. But nothing. Just me and this horrible place. Ever since you met Luke, you've changed. I don't know if it's for better or for worse. But I'm not letting you treat me this way. Not anymore." Eliza sobbed and pushed away her curls and Maeve's heart broke as she saw her face fully.

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