Chapter Thirteen

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~11 weeks~

Today was the day that the couple could finally see their bundle of joy. Maeve was excited, excited to see the life she was carrying. Luke was too, but in the back of his mind, he was nervous. This was new to the two of them, and today was just about to show them that. All the new responsibilities and some things they were able to do now had to be pushed aside. But Luke felt ready for these new challenges. Or so he thought.

Maeve had dressed herself in something easy, but nice. The weather was still warm and so jeans and jeggings were out. She wore a nice white blouse with a pair of loose shorts that was easy to roll down slightly. The shorts had a cute little bow at the front and it went with small white bows on the shoulders on the blouse.

Maeve grabbed her small bag and slipped on her shoes before leaving the room. Luke was in the living room with Petunia, a smile painted across his face as he gave her belly rubs. Luke raised his head and his eyes softened and the smile stayed as he saw Maeve. ''Ready?'' she asked, her own smile appearing as Luke nodded and Petunia huffed to herself and rolled back over. ''Don't pout, Petunia. We will be home before you know it.'' Maeve giggled and reached over and scratching under Petunia's chin.

Luke snorted to himself and grabbed his keys from the counter and opened the front door, moving to one side to allow Maeve to walk out first. Closing and locking the door behind him, his hand reached forward and laced his fingers with hers immediately. The two walked to the elevator and the doors immediately opened once he pressed the button.

The couple stepped inside and as the doors close starts to make its way to the garage, Luke looked over at Maeve and gulped. ''Are you nervous?'' He asked and Maeve hummed.

''Absolutely, but I'm excited too. This is a new chapter in mine and yours lives.'' Maeve smiled up at Luke and he nodded. ''Are you nervous, Luke?''

With no hesitation, ''Yes.'' he chewed at his lips and Maeve reached up, her hand placed onto his cheek to which he leaned into without thinking.

''Is this the life you want, Luke?'' She asked and turned her head to the side and he sighed, his hand squeezing hers.

''Yes. I would love to have this life with you in every universe there is. I hope to find you too.'' Luke told her and Maeve's smile widened, she was quick to blink away the stinging in her eyes before falling into Luke.

''Me too. I will always look for you, Luke.''

Maeve and Luke made it on time, walking in with their hands laced together. Maeve smiled at the woman at the desk and stated her name and what Luke was to her. ''Just take a seat for now. Your sonographer will be out shortly.'' Maeve pulled Luke to corner seats and was quick to sit down. Luke chuckled under his breath and sat beside her, Maeve moved her hands into her lap and squeezed his hand every now and then.

''Maeve Hemmings?'' A young woman stepped out and Maeve smiled and stood up, Luke following right behind her.

''Welcome! My name is Sally, this is our Nurse Rachel.'' Sally introduced herself and the woman stood by the computer. '' Can I ask, how far along you assume you are?'' Sally asked and Maeve nodded.

''I'm pretty sure I'm ten or eleven weeks now.'' Maeve told her and seated herself on the bed as Sally placed her gloves on.

"Okay. If you just lie back for me, I'll be placing this gel, it will be cold onto your skin." Sally chuckled and grabbed the gel. "Just raise your blouse a little and roll your shorts to your hips." Maeve nodded and did as Sally had instructed and looked over at Luke who gave her a soft smile.

Sally reached over and started to apply the gel causing Maeve to jolt slightly, a soft chuckle escaped her lips and Luke laughed softly with her. His eyes always stayed on her, how she would try to calm her breathing as excitement runs through her veins. Her eyes always met his, their smiles always widening.

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